sami rose – missing you


Sami Rose has just dropped her latest single ‘Missing You’, a heartfelt pop ballad that tugs at the heartstrings and doesn’t let go. This girl has an absolutely amazing voice which is both pure and mesmerising in equal parts; she sings in such a way that you can feel it deep down inside yourself – even after the song has finished playing!

The lyrics to ‘Missing You’ are honest, open, and very relatable as they describe the rollercoaster ride of emotions involved in any love which hasn’t worked out quite as planned. They talk about having once thought you knew someone better than anyone else but then finding out everything was just one big lie… From being totally disillusioned with everything around us because we realise none of it was what we thought; all those sleepless nights spent wondering how things could have gone so wrong when everything seemed so right… Sami puts words together here that resonate deeply with anybody who’s ever had their heart broken. Lines like “You broke me now I’m all alone” or “Thought I knew you but I don’t” sum up perfectly what it feels like when trust shatters into a million pieces after somebody walks away from our lives forever.

Behind her soulful singing there lies well-crafted melodies which follow the story line of each verse. The song is certainly polished and produced to a high standard – everything sounds so clean and clear which helps bring across its emotional depth even further. Every note has been chosen carefully so as to create longing, vulnerability, self-discovery… It’s almost impossible not to be whisked away by this tune on some kind of inner journey!

‘Missing You’ is proof enough that Sami Rose knows how to write songs which showcase her vocal talents best! What sets her apart from other singers though is perhaps more importantly what she sings about: She tells stories through music where most people would struggle expressing themselves verbally let alone through song. This ability alone should ensure future success within pop circles for sure – there are very few artists who can do this well whilst remaining true to themselves at the same time.

In short, ‘Missing You’ is a beautiful masterpiece that leaves a lasting impact on everyone who takes the time out to listen. This heartfelt performance delivered by Sami Rose coupled with sad lyrics and catchy tunes is definitely one to add onto your playlist if you’ve ever been in love before… Just be prepared for it hitting right where it hurts most!


sami rose, the enigmatic rising pop sensation, has taken the world by storm with her powerhouse vocals and emotional covers. with a staggering 4.9 million followers on tiktok alone, sami has already caught the attention of industry heavyweights such as james arthur, benson boone, olivia rodrigo, and gnarls barkley. her debut ep campaign promises to take fans on a journey from her humble beginnings as a tiktok star to global pop icon. hailing from pennsylvania and at only 20 years of age, sami’s music has already made waves, topping the viral charts in Indonesia, Malaysia, and India, with over 100 million streams within her first year as an artist. with fans captivated by her stunning vocal ability and unpretentious persona, sami rose is set to become a force to be reckoned with in the world of pop music.

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