Fox Apts. – Founders’ Blues

Experienced band Fox Apts. left us stuck on repeat with their latest release, “Founders’ Blues,” from their upcoming album “Omen” out April 7th. This song is a masterpiece and will leave you stuck on constant repeat for a long time.

This song is truly something special and deserves more attention. The atmosphere of this song is unique, the lyrics are original, well written and the vocal performance is on another level. This band is talented and their music is creative, original and sets them apart from the crowd. The vocalist has one of the richest voices we’ve ever heard and his vocal abilities are impressive. The melodies of this song are catchy and mesh perfectly with the lyrics. The instrumental is beautiful, the production is simple and the mixing is excellent. This song is a great experience from start to finish and will get stuck in your head in no time. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think. Don’t forget to follow Fox Apts. online to stay up to date!

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