Tom Hummer is a solo artist from central Iowa. He’s a multi-instrumentalist who has independently recorded and released five LPs and three EPs as well as having played in several bands. Hummer is an artist who likes to do everything himself. He wrote and performed and even mixed and mastered his most recent EP Crescendo himself. As for the music, Hummer describes it as experimental indie rock with elements of traditional singer/songwriter and folk music with alt rock, post rock and industrial which could be found in the mix. With that being said, I was getting Bon Iver and Radiohead vibes right away. Hummer manages to exemplify these artist’s sound while also driving home a sound that is distinctively his own.
Crescendo gets going with “Our Time Has Got To End,” where some synths come in alongside some melodic guitars. The sounds felt very ambient to my ears. Once Hummer’s soft vocals come in, the sounds move over you in a nice flow. I felt myself relaxing to the lush sounds and vocal harmonies. Slowly as the beats enter, the music grows even more dynamic. I could feel myself “getting lost in the sound.” More synths and beats arrive on “The Worst Way.” It made for a gritty, industrial sound. Next, some piano lights up the vibes next. It gave off a somber feel as Hummer’s vocals arrived. The vibes were very airy with an edge of darkness to the vibes. This made for a highly dynamic listening experience. More keys come through alongside Hummer’s soft, melodic vocals on “Bleached Summer Culture.” The quirky vibe of this song reminded me of the Postal Service. There was tons of ambience to this track. I thought it had a lot of atmosphere. Though simply rendered, it was definitely moving. Next, a wall of guitars enters the sound for a more full-on vibe.
On “Shame,” some acoustic guitar brings in a simmering sound filled with emotion. Hummer sings with feeling on this acoustic song. This track is filled with intense feelings. It made for a compelling sound. The ambience of this song also proved to be very moving. On “Wringer,” some atmospheric synths come in. Next, some piano keys trickle in. Hummer experiments on tone and beats. Once Hummer’s ambient vocals arrive, the music comes together for a lush sound. From the get-go, the music enters with an immediate sound on “Let’s Roll.” Hummer belts out the lyrics over a bed of acoustic guitar and the sound of harmonica. This made for a great folk sound. I was instantly reminded of acts like Bon Iver and Mumford & Sons. This was a great way for the artist to close this EP.
With a highly ambient and soothing sound, Hummer is able to get across a sound that is equally moving as it is soulful. Hummer’s emotional performances on this EP pointed to how he would sound like live. He says that his live shows are an engaging one-man-band experience where he plays piano, keyboard, drum pad, looper and sings all at once. If you’re looking for something artsy and experimental at the same time with overtures into melody and riffs, then this might be just for you. Crescendo is served with tons of ambience, mood and feeling. This is a great start and I look forward to more music like this soon!

Tom Hummer is a musician from Ames, Iowa. He has released five albums since 2010, which he records and produces in his home studio. Tom also plays bass and guitar in various Iowa bands.
Tom’s music can be described as experimental indie rock, incorporating elements of traditional singer-songwriter and folk music with alternative rock, post rock, and industrial. Tom released his newest LP, Real Life, in June 2019, and is currently working on his next LP.