Conversation With Lucy Gallant

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?

A: Growing up, I had a rather unconventional childhood. At the age of 14, I left home and spent six months living on the streets of London. A year later, I embarked on a transformative journey with my mother, traveling across Australia in a camper van. 

However, my adventurous spirit eventually led me to wander further, exploring different corners of the globe and living a nomadic lifestyle. 

Along the way, I immersed myself in various cultures, learning to play music from people of diverse backgrounds. 

These experiences have deeply influenced my musical journey, shaping the artist I am today. Moreover, they have instilled in me a sense of empathy and understanding, allowing me to connect with people from all walks of life through my music.

Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “Lucy Gallant”?

A: I’m thrilled to announce my collaboration with another artist, Ladi Abundance, on our single ‘Mr.,’ scheduled for release on March 15th, 2024. We’ll be promoting it through various channels, including media, radio, and social media platforms to reach a wider audience. 

Additionally, I’ll be attending one of the world’s biggest music showcases, SXSW in Texas, where I’ll network with industry professionals and fellow artists. 

Throughout the year, I plan to release several solo singles and embark on local and international tours. Through social media, I’m dedicated to connecting with my fans on a personal level, ensuring they feel seen and understood. 

If you’re drawn to a woman with a nomadic spirit and a compassionate heart who’s dedicated to making the world a better place through her music, that’s me.

Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?

A: I’m currently finding a lot of inspiration from Shanin Blake; she’s absolutely killing it right now. As an indie artist and a hippie chick, her music and vibe resonate deeply with me. 

In terms of where I find inspiration for making music, I draw heavily from my life experiences. My songs are like my diary—I’m incredibly vulnerable in my lyrics. I hope that by sharing my experiences, it makes others feel less alone if they’ve gone through similar situations.

Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “Mr..”?

A: “Mr.” came about through a collaboration with another artist named Ladi Abundance. One day, we were hanging out in the studio, both nursing wounds from past relationships and in that vulnerable headspace. As we shared our experiences of betrayal and disrespect, the song flowed effortlessly from us, fueled by our shared emotions. 

Its essence lies in reclaiming power after losing trust and rediscovering love through our passion and creativity, embracing the healing power of music. 

The track embodies a deliciously smooth blend of neo-soul and trip-hop influences.

Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?

A: Uplifting 

Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Mr.”?

A: We actually wrote the song together and recorded it a while back, but then the pandemic hit, and the world shut down, causing us to set it aside for a time. 

However, one day, while I was looking through my computer, I stumbled upon the rough mix. As I listened to it, I thought, ‘Wow, this is great!’ I immediately contacted Ladi Abundance, and we agreed to get it mixed and mastered by ARIA Award winner Govinda Doyle. 

It sounded fantastic, so we made the decision to release it.

Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?

A: As an artist, I strive to convey authenticity, vulnerability, and connection through my music. Drawing from my own experiences and emotions, I aim to create songs that resonate with listeners on a deeply personal level. Themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the human experience are central to my work, as I seek to evoke empathy and understanding.

My goals as an artist are multifaceted. Firstly, I am committed to continuously honing my craft, constantly evolving and refining my musical style and skills. Additionally, I aspire to reach a wider audience, play larger shows and festivals, and connect with listeners who find inspiration, reflection, or joy in my music. Ultimately, my aim is to make a positive impact through my art, touching hearts and minds with the messages conveyed in my songs

Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)

A: Collaborating with Flume would be an incredible opportunity. His innovative production style and ability to seamlessly integrate vocals into his tracks are truly impressive. 

I admire how he brings out the best in female artists, and I’m particularly drawn to songs like “Never Be Like You.” Working with him to create a song, with his unique production techniques, would be a dream come true. I can envision us crafting something sonically rich and emotionally resonant together.

Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?

A: For those aspiring to a career in music, ensure it’s your passion. Today’s industry demands more than talent—we must excel at content creation, songwriting, and live performance. Self-promotion is key; embrace networking and social media. Stay resilient, adaptable, and committed to growth. Enjoy the journey—it’s not just about reaching your destination.

Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?

A: If I could go back in time and offer some advice to my younger self, I would say: Don’t wait for someone else to make your dreams happen. Take the initiative and pursue them yourself. Stay positive, stay focused, and believe in your ability to manifest your dreams into reality.


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