Conversation With Ana & Gene

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?

A: hi, this is Ana speaking and I came from a musical family.  My father was a singer-songwriter, music producer and rythm guitarist who was head of a band aside from working a day job.  Since I was 3 years old he was teaching me how to sing and write lryics.  When I was 8 years old my father then put me on stage to perform with him for the first time.  After feeling what it’s like to be on stage and singing and dancing for the public I realized that is what I wanted to do when I got older.  Hello this is Gene speaking and just like Ana I too came from a musical family.  My mother was a famouse singer-songwriter and I would watch her on stage performing as I grew up.  I remember as a kid that I would go and sing with my mom when she would practice her music.  At the age of 7 years old I decided to learn the guitar and to sing and write music.  I knew from a young age that all I wanted to be is a performer.

Q: Can you describe the musical style of Ana & Gene in three words?

A: Innovative, Unique, tasteful

Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?

A: We have facebook, Instagram, twitter, TikTok.  Our fans play a big role for us because we love to see them happy and enjoying themselves to our music.  That is the biggest high and feel good moments for us.

Q: You have just released your new EP, ‘Uh-Oh Who Do You Love’. Is there a story behind it?

A: Each song has a different story behind them that makes up the EP.  Those stories are of love that we always wanted and about how are exe’s treated us and of a few life experiences.

Q: What is your favorite track from the EP and why?

A: Ana here and Gene and I we love all the songs because they are each uniquely made.  But since your making us choose I would say my favorite track is “Narcissistic You” because of the way I have the lryics being very punchy and in your face.  I feel that I really put forth realism into the song by adding the back and forth argueing.  Also what is great about the song is the liberation of freeing yourself from a toxic Narcissistic envirement.  Ok now back to you Gene.  Hi everyone and like Ana said we love all the songs and their uniqueness.  But if I have to choose it will be “The love that I Found” because when I wrote that song I was imageing a love that I always wanted.  So that is why that song will always hold a special place in my heart.

Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the EP?

A: Well we would love to say but we cannot give away our creative process because it’s like a Chef who cannot give away a secret reciepe lol.

Q: What has been the most memorable concert or performance for Ana & Gene so far?

A: Since we are a newly formed duo and band we only played at one venue so far.  Also our first venue will alway be the most memorable because it’s like meeting your first love.  But we have to say though that we rocked the heck out of that place.  Also as we perform at more venues we are sure to have more memorable moments with our fans.

Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?

A: Agian for me it’s Narcissistic You and it will always be a very special song to me because of the strong realism and the feelings behind the story.  Also because of the way the creative flow came to me.  That is why I will hold a special pride for this song along our musical journey.  So back to you Gene, well as for me like I said before it is The Love That I Found.  That song is about the type of love that I always wanted in my life.  It’s a song that came from deep within my heart and soul.  So that is why this song will always be my favorite along the rest of my musical journey.

Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into your unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?

A: Like we said before we cannot give away our creative reciepes.  But we will give you a bit of insight of how we create together.  Usually Gene and I just get together and we talk about our life experiences.  Then we brainstorm and pick a topic and he just starts to play chords and then I just start to sing words.  Then I start to write and Gene starts to sing then I write what he was singing.  Then soon enough between us both singing we have a whole song written.  

Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for Ana & Gene, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?

A: Well we plan on making more music that our fans will want to fall in love with.  Also we plan to do some touring in the near future and give our fans the perfomance that they would want to see.  What we hope and dream of is to make it big and to get as many people to love our music and to love us for the artist that we are.  The message that we want to share with our fans is to always stay true to you and do what you love.  Life is what you make of it so always dream big.  Also we hope to keep and make new fans along our way on our wonderful musical journey.  Peace, Love and Light- Ana & Gene.


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