This next track is something really special. Out of all the tracks we’ve covered over the last weeks, The Prods are at the forefront with their latest release, “Catalogue Model.” The energy of this track and the instrumentation are outstanding. The production is creative and the mixing is excellent. The vocalist Jerome Wright has one of the richest voices we’ve heard in months, and his performance on this track is on another level. The lyrics are well-written, catchy, and you may find yourself singing them by the next morning. This band is original, and their music is unique and sets them apart from the crowd. This new record truly brings together everything we love about discovering new music, and we can’t say it enough just how excited we are to hear more from this talented band over the coming months.

The Prods
…were formed by Gareth Davies (guitar) and Jerome Wright (vocals), after a doomed motorcycle tour of Europe. This ambitious adventure came to an abrupt end when their 1956 “Road Rocket” blew up near Bremen and they were hauled to safety by a mysterious shamanic punk named Thomas Jeggle.
The lads offered their gratitude by penning Thomas a song “Deprived of my Freedom”( This catchy number, their first song together, was like an aural equivalent of a poke in the ribs, and so “The Prods” was born.
Since then they’ve bashed out a trailer-load of toe-tappers, crammed them onto their debut album “Pocket Kings”, set the mastering studio on fire (no, really), and recruited two innocent bystanders to help bring the show to life.
Enter Rick Romero (The Zods, Possessed of Zest) with his fur gilet and throbbing bass, and Andy Thompson (Idiot Son) and his mirror-skinned drum kit (so he can dig himself whilst playing), and suddenly they’re a real-life band offering up punk-infused rock ‘n’ roll songs of love, strangely charismatic psychos, low-brow TV presenters, unreliable motorcycles, booze, and amateur darts players.

Follow The Prods:
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