The Bad Actors – Too Old

The Bad Actors are back with their latest single, “Too Old” and it’s an absolute burst of energy from start to finish. If you’ve ever woken up regretting the night before, this track will hit home for you. The duo captures that universal feeling of being ‘too old’ for the wild antics we once thought we could handle forever.

Right from the get-go, the song pulls you in with its powerful, memorable vocals and catchy melodies. The instrumentation is full of life, giving off an infectious vibe that’s hard to resist. The lyrics are sharp and relatable, adding a satirical twist to the whole experience. It’s clear that The Bad Actors know their way around a good tune, and they’ve nailed it with this one. We’re loving the direction The Bad Actors are taking with their music. “Too Old” is a solid track that showcases their talent and potential. We’re really excited to see where their career will go in the coming months. Wayo Wayo!


The Bad Actors, an electric new outfit here to bathe your mundane routine in a bright orange glow. Funky indie tunes meet devil-may-care rock. Red Hot Chill Peppers, The Police and Jimi Hendrix are found influencing pounding beats, expressive guitar lines and pop-y ear-worm melodies. Scissor-kicks and stage tricks are the MO of “kinetic” frontman Khalil. His voltaic stage presence helped win slots at Isle of Wight, Hillsborough festival, and a Riverside festival headline with previous projects. Whilst Jay’s laid-back drumming, matching his own personality in feel but not in introversion, forms the springboard for Khalil’s antics. The Bad Actors’ energetic social media videos reach an average of 10K viewers per clip and found 250K individual instagram accounts in June ‘24. The duo became friends at school when Khalil told Jay he needed a drummer. Jay obliged, learned drums and joined the band. Down-to-Earth, indie-punk songwriting saw them named in BBC Introducing Sheffield’s best of 2014 list. Fast forward a decade and the punk roots are ever-present but are seeded in a bed of groove and melody. Songs wrap themes of infidelity, homelessness and existential longing in neat 3 minute packages. But catchy hooks will have you singing along before you realise the gravity. The Bad Actors are here for a good time. The music is energetic, the message is bright. They’ve already begun painting the town orange and do not intend to stop.

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