Sam Roberts, a rising star from the vibrant Liverpool music scene, has just released his latest single “National TV” and it’s creating ripples. Following the success of his debut single “You Are The One,” this alt rock anthem proves Robert’s skill again.
Notably among other things, “National TV” boasts of its flawless instrumentation. Listeners are lured into the track through outstanding guitar melodies. This song is so energetic that one cannot help following the drums that keep on pushing rhythm forward and creating an addictive groove. The production is clean and allows each instrument to shine while at the same time maintaining a uniform sound throughout.
Again, Robert’s vocals stand out in this track. His rich voice carries the melody without any strain making it lovely and easy to listen to. There is something about how he performs that makes him different thereby implying that he may be a name to watch in alternative rock music. The lyrics touch on a moving story of excesses and personal ruin. Through storytelling, Roberts examines themes such as irony as well as celebrity-seeking pitfalls. They clearly reflect society’s obsession with reality TV and social media celebrity statuses offering listeners something profound in return.
With “National TV” Sam Roberts shows us once again why we should have faith in him to be a great artist in future. His ability to make appealing tunes backed up by meaningful words makes him unique in the history of the music industry. In fact, judging by what we see today about how he hones his craft and explores new musical realms demonstrates that Roberts will not exit anytime soon, and this way he will revolutionize rock music across the globe.
Finally, National TV evidences that Sam Roberts is talented enough to create distinctive melodies which only add value to the lyrics he writes about them too, representing him as no ordinary musician within such a field Therefore as fans eagerly await what comes next from this budding artist, one thing is clear; Sam Roberts will be great.