Melin Melyn – Short Haired Lady

I seem to have started a theme in the last couple of posts, so let’s stick with it… another of my favourite discoveries of the past year or so today, this time the Welsh dreamboats Melin Melyn. I was essentially obsessed from the word go with the release of Rebecca last year, and have been loving their recent Blomonj EP, a culmination of the past year’s single releases. New track Short Haired Lady wasn’t on the EP, but marks the end of that era for the band – excited to see what comes next!

For now, very much enjoying Short Haired Lady – vocalist Gruff Glyn has this to say on it… “On a cold winters eve I was walking the streets of London feeling a bit blue, and then stepped in some wet sticky chewing gum. I looked up to the sky in distress and found the moon smirking at me. Kind of put things in perspective. The lady in the song came to me in a dream soon after and sometimes pops back into my siestas during a snooze. We had the pleasure of recording this song at Stiwdio Sain – a gem of a studio in Llandwrog where some classic Welsh Language psychedelic folk music was recorded in the 70s.”  

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