Madi Diaz – Nervous

Quickly, I wanted to say thanks for all the birthday love. You’re genuinely all the best. After a whole bunch of Sunday night procrastination / Monday morning anticipation, I’m staring at my list of potential posts in search of something to write about. It often feels a little ‘kid in a sweet shop’ when I do that – there’s so much I want to share, so much good music being released right now. LUMP are back, there’s a brilliant debut EP from my pal Cj Pandit, a new track from the upcoming Dizzy EP, new Matilda Mann and sooooo much more to revel in. 

I’ve settled (very happily) on one of my favourite releases from the past week, the latest tune from Madi Diaz. The Nashville-based artist follows recent singles New Person, Old Place and Man In Me with Nervous, her third single for ANTI- Records. A song about recognising unhealthy coping mechanisms in yourself, I think it’s my favourite of the trio – from the hypnotic guitar lines to Madi’s vocals dancing back and forth across them, I’m loving everything about this. The video (below) was shot in Nashville and directed by Jordan Bellamy – inspired by and including a homage to the final scene of Andrei Tarkovsky’s film The Stalker

On the track, Madi shares: “You know when you hold a mirror up to a mirror and you get an infinite amount of reflections from every angle? That’s what ‘Nervous’ is about. It’s when you’re in a loop of looking at yourself from every vantage point until you’re caught up in your own tangled web of bullshit. It’s about catching yourself acting out your crazy and you’re finally self-aware enough to see it, but you’re still out of your body enough and curious enough to watch yourself do it.”

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