Low Island – Everything Before Us

Alright, I love this. My faves Low Island are back with their first new music since last year’s If You Could Have It All Again, their brilliant debut album. New track Everything Before Us gets straight to the core of what we all love about the band, the very essence of them. Can I call it groovy?! Because it definitely is… sumptuous synths sit atop Carlos’ silky-smooth lead vocals… every element is meticulously placed, and the finished product is a dream. I’m really into this one (can you tell?) and loving the freshly released live video even more… though it’s just reinforcing that I really need to get to a Low Island gig this year.

Carlos describes the new track as being about “profound care for another, looking at love not as a final destination, but as a continuous journey: something to be nurtured and looked after.”

Low Island play their biggest headline show to date at London’s Village Underground on April 14th, alongside their first European headline tour in Autumn. Full dates and tickets here.

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