Q: Welcome back, Matyascorvinus! It’s fantastic to have you with us again. Since our last conversation, a lot has happened in your musical journey. To kick things off, could you share some highlights or pivotal moments that have shaped your artistic path since our last interview?
A: Very good (and difficult) question. It’s a bit hard to measure your own growth. Some day it feels like you haven’t changed a bit during all these years. The other, everything feels different. Must admit that this recording was difficult for me. It was born in the moment of bad stress and fatigue; I suffered a severe burnout last Christmas and the writing of songs did not have any direction. There were no clear structures or patterns, just bits and pieces everywhere. I was not sure how it will end and had lots of difficulties to memorize what I had written. To be honest, it was a mess. Just like me. For months.
But eventually everything just clicked together. So, my musical journey with this record seems to have walked hand in hand with my recovery. What comes to growth, it feels like my mental landscape has evolved during all these years and is capable of producing music despite of hardships of life. At least this is what I believe. You cannot control your mind. And you should not either. Free mind (at its best) sometimes offers surprises. This is what happened to me. Despite of all the mess, I was able to pull off a rather harmonic package. On certain extent, this is some kind of maturity, as well.
Q: Can you describe the musical style of Matyascorvinus in three words?
A: Moody, atmospheric, simple
Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?
A: Trying to be as active as possible on socials (Facebook, Twitter). To be honest, the whole world and its phenomena (both good and bad) shape my music. I have a strong imagination which produces a lot of things, seeping into my music.
Q: You have just released your new EP, ‘Across The Acheron’. Is there a story behind it?
A: Across the Acheron is an allegory for passing away, for example. The recording is influenced by the first polar trip to Antarctica by sail ship Belgica, and its crew which had to endure the hardships beyond imagination. Acheron is also one of the rivers in Hades of Greek mythology. In fact, the title has many meanings. If you’ve studied the subject, you might find them all.
Q: What is your favorite track from the album and why?
A: Tha Austral Winter. Somehow I managed to create the silence and feeling of snowy plains by playing as few notes as possible. For me winter is a still and serene season. So, a very stripped down approach does the trick.
Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the EP, “Across The Acheron”?
A: I always start with completely blank mind. I place my fingers somewhere on the fretboard and start to listen. Whether it sounds nice, I memorize it. Sometimes I remember it, sometimes I forget it. I never write anything down. Never. I also do not use any official guitar chords or common practices of guitar. Or maybe I do, but without knowing it. Everything happens intuitively and comes from some place I do not even know. Later on, I cannot remember anything of the process or the moment the magic happened. So, if you ask me what was it like to do this or that song, I do not remember. There is no planning or scheme, whatsoever. Everything happens in the moment.
Q: What has been the most memorable concert or performance for Matyascorvinus so far?
A: To be honest, I have never made any public performances! Only some live videos for my fans. But it’s very consuming, i do not do them very often. For some reason I have never found it necessary or interesting to perform publicly.
Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?
A: It must be the title track Across The Acheron. It was the only song coming out without struggle or extra work. It also feels perfect, as a song. The other songs were born the hard way. I felt I could not pull it off, everything was all over the place. But in the end, I managed to squeeze them out as they are now. How did it happen? I really do not know. It was a subconscious thing.
Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into Matyascorvinus’ unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?
A: The answer can be found above, ”the creative process”. There is never anything planned. I never have any ideas ringing in my head. Everything starts by just grabbing my guitar and pressing my fingers somewhere on the fretboard. The tunes just come out from the tip of my fingers. In the moment.
Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for Matyascorvinus, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?
A: My dream is to have enough strength and health to keep on going down this musical path I have chosen. I’m also expanding my endeavors to electronic music, which I call ”graveyard techno”. Meaning melancholic, instrumental, rhythmic stuff with gothic flavour. I hope to release first songs during next spring. For my fans I’d like to say thank you. Keep true to yourselves and do not forget to sit down for a while and just listen to your thoughts. A little time for yourself is also time for someone else. We are better persons if we take a rest sometimes.

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