Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: I grew up in a family where almost everything was about music. My parents were involved in our local church and serving with music there and I joined when I was 17. That’s were I first thought that music is what I want to do in life. It made me feel alive like nothing ever did until then. Unfortunately I made an experience back then that hurt me a lot and caused me to shut the voice inside of me that wanted to sing and write songs. I carried that for a few rough years, where things haven’t been exactly easy anywhere. I faced many struggles at home and at school. I started dreaming of starting my own artist project and write about my journey, the struggles and the healing. It took me a few years to overcome a lot of fear and pain but I eventually launched my solo artist career and here we are, couple of years in it. My musical direction has also been a journey until now.
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “Laura Brizuela”?
A: The wish of my heart is that anyone who finds and listens to my music may feel like they’re not alone. No matter what they’re going through. I want to be a place of truth and vulnerability and open up about my own story and I hope it can bring value to others.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: I’m currently listening to a lot of DnB and Liquid DnB, like Kenya Grace, NewJeans and Pinkpantheress, I’ve also started to write more in that genre. I have taken the last few months to dig deeper into what I want my music to be and how I want to communicate what’s really on my heart for each song and that’s where I found a place with myself that I really like and I’m very excited to explore that more in the future.
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “Nothing Like That”?
A: “Nothing Like That“ is in fact the oldest song that currently have unreleased. I’ve been writing it like 3 years ago when I had basically just unexpectedly moved back into my hometown area and was heavily confronted with my past and memories from my childhood. When I had first left I was so happy that I was able to get distance and reshape who I am somewhere else. At that time I didn’t have anything or anyone in my life that was safe and stable for me and I was just struggling in every area of my life. Leaving home back then gave me the chance to heal and I loved it but circumstances had me come back. Little did I know that stepping back into what I left would challenge me the most but eventually was the missing final piece of the healing process. Writing this song was my way of looking back and communicating what I wished to say for so many years in my life.
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: Moody 🙂
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Nothing Like That”?
A: It took me like couple of months to write it, since it had me going through such an intense process of acknowledging the fact that I was confronted with my past, which was extremely hurting. I first thought that I was beyond all that, while in fact I wasn’t. Feeling those constant triggers bothered me and I wanted to get rid of them. Writing “Nothing Like That” was therefore a challenge since it forced me to search very deep within myself but it also the best way of processing for me.
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: My lyrics are unfiltered and real and so is the message. I talk about my thoughts and experiences and things I went through or go through in life. I want people to believe in themselves and that no matter what they’re facing, they can make it through and come out healed, even if the process may be painful. I have started to write more about my faith and relationship to God and therefore my personal goal as an artist is to lead people closer to God and connect deeper with themselves.
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: I’d love to collaborate with Sam Rivera or be a vocal feature for nobigdyl, KB, Andy Mineo, Caleb Gordon or basically for the 116 and indie tribe crew. But if I was to dream crazy big, my ultimate dream would be to do a collab with Justin Bieber one day 🙂 And an artist that would have also been an ultimate dream to collaboration with, but isn’t with us anymore is Juice WRLD!
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: Go for it, never ever even allow the concept of giving up to enter your mindset! Industry can be a very tough place but if you’re consistent and patient, you might be able to find your audience one day! Never adjust who you are for money or fame, always stay true to yourself, because that’s more worth than anything else. Let people love you for who you truly are. Always keep working on your skillset, becoming better in what you’re passionate about is one of the most beautiful parts of the whole thing. And never forget: Enjoying the journey is the main goal 🙂
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: I’d tell myself this: The people that have hurt you won’t stay for long, and the believes they have caused you to enter your mindset are nothing but lies. Let them go 🙂 You got what it takes and you can do it! Believe in yourself and never give up dreaming 🙂 You’re worth it!

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