Q: Hey, can you tell us a bit about where you come from, and what made you want to start a career in music?
A: I’ve always lived just outside of Toronto. The power that the music scene holds in this city didn’t really hit me until I was older and starting to play live shows. Now that I’ve been performing here for a while, Toronto is definitely one of my favourite places to be. Having a dad who was in a high school band meant me and my brother being introduced to playing guitar and listening to classic rock music at a very young age. From then on it became an addiction, we just loved to play and learn more about music. I started writing songs in high school, and I think when I was about fifteen I knew I wanted to make a career out of it and take it seriously. Once I really started getting into the art of songwriting and noticing that my work was getting better, I decided to start recording my songs and the rest is history!
Q: And what other artists have you found yourself listening to lately?
A: Lately my top artists have been Royel Otis, Mk.Gee, Pinegrove and The Backseat Lovers. That is the ultimate line up of musicians that I look up to and certainly who I’m listening to most right now.
Q: Who were your first and strongest musical influences?
A: My earliest memory of a musical influence would have to be The Eagles. They were one of my dad’s favourite bands and we grew up on their music. I remember after every time I heard the Hotel California guitar solo I would think; “I either need to make something like this or learn how to play this” because of how incredible it was to hear. I of course along with every musician have not gotten close to making something like that solo but still, it sparked something for me when I was young. Another one of my earliest and strongest musical influences would be my brother Dawson. He was the one to really start taking guitar, songwriting and music seriously far before I ever did. Every time I would hear something he wrote it would light a fire under me, I wanted to work to be on his level of artistry in every possible way. It’s truly a blessing that at this point in our solo careers we are making and releasing music together as well.
Q: You have just released your new single ‘Faces’. Is there a story behind it?
A: I can’t exactly remember what initially sparked the idea for the concept of ‘Faces’ but I do know that I wanted to create a story about a girl who’s characteristics are difficult to put a finger on, almost as if her whole persona is a mystery even to the one who loves her. Once I wrote the line “trying on all of your faces” everything started to fall into place and I knew what kind of character and story I was trying to create.
Q: Can we expect a new EP or even an album from you in the near future?
A: Yes! I am currently working on an EP that is set to release throughout 2025. These new songs are some of my favourites that I’ve ever made and I’m so excited for people to hear them, with every release I feel like my artistry is becoming more and more consistent and my sound is forming into something that I love to create.
Q: What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?
A: I feel like I create a sense of universal relatability within my music. No matter what I’m writing about, whether I’m pulling from personal experience or creating a story and putting myself into it, I think the lines can resonate with so many people who have been through something similar. It could be from the best time of their lives or their saddest moment, heartbreak or nostalgia. There are many things I try to touch on when writing and I can often paint a picture that many feel like they’ve held a brush to at one point or another in their lives. I would typically describe my sound as indie rock with elements of pop, acoustic singer songwriter and alternative indie pop/rock.
Q: Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfillment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more?
A: I feel like whether I’m selling out History or playing small Toronto venues like I am now I will always be fulfilled doing what I love. Don’t get me wrong, I have big dreams and aspirations in my music career and there are of course times when I feel like I’m not being heard, or that my songs could be bigger than they are. However I’ve learned to enjoy the journey and take things one day at a time. I’m confident in my craft and I believe that If I keep doing what I’m doing my music will get the recognition It deserves.
Q: Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song?
A: I am always a big fan of fully writing out songs alone, just me and a guitar before I begin my production process. I feel like when I create this way it allows me understand what I want I want the song to be, and it gives me a clear path when I finally sit down and make a demo out of it. This way I can also focus so much more on the lyrics and melody’s that I’m creating, and I think that makes me feel like I’m not rushing anything and just giving what the song demands. I’ve also been recording and producing my own demos for about three years now and it’s become my favourite part of the whole process. There’s something truly special about making a song from nothing with just your guitar and then carrying out your vision and hearing it recorded, especially when doing it yourself. From there I will send the demos to my producer, and we will decide what needs to be re-recorded and what studio we are gonna get into to do it. Before long the final product is finished! That’s been my process for about four years now, however “Faces” is the first song that me and my brother fully produced alone, and we are so proud of that.
Q: What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
A: I think many musicians can agree one of the hardest things to endure while pursuing this life and this career is criticism from people around you about the path you chose. My family has been an incredible support system for me and I am so grateful for how much they stand by me while I’m trying to make something of myself, but it’s always the little comments from people you don’t see that often like; “so how’s that little music thing going?” that really get to you. I know that from someone else’s point of view it’s not the easiest career to understand, and most people are just trying to look out for you, but that makes you work ten times harder. You always feel like you are trying to prove yourself to those that doubted you and that what you can do shouldn’t be overlooked. So I suppose in the end, it works out to be a good thing after all! I’d say money always being tight is not a fun thing to endure either.
Q: On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?
A: I would say signing my first record deal was a very proud moment for me. As I said earlier, as an artist you always want to feel like someone is listening and that what you’re putting out there is being appreciated. It’s not really a validation thing, it’s more so that music is such a vulnerable art form and if you’re not getting recognition, at times it can feel like people don’t understand you. Having someone say “hey, I like this, I want to support this, I believe in this” was truly an amazing feeling and an accomplishment that I don’t take lightly.