Interview With Joey & the Hot Tub Boys

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?

A: I’ve always been an arty guy, even when I was little. I used to draw a lot (even though I wasn’t very good at it haha), and as an autistic kid I was always looking for new ways to express myself. Then when I was 7, a rock band of teachers from a local music school visited my primary school and put on a concert for us all; I was hooked. It was cheesy, over-the-top fun and captured my imagination. I wanted to be up on stage doing that, so I chatted with my dad and next thing ya know I started having piano lessons! When I was 14 I started playing in our high school swing band, we did shows three times a year and even got to perform in Paris once which was a real treat! Then it was school musicals, which taught me so much about working as a team and learning music quickly, and from then on I knew I wanted to do music at uni and take it further. Once I started uni and was suddenly surrounded by fellow musicians and artists, that was what motivated me to finally start writing my own songs, and I just found it so rewarding and fun to tap into that magic. That’s when I knew I wanted to pursue this career full time.

Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “Joey & the Hot Tub Boys”?

A: I really love being in touch with my local music scene. Going to gigs, supporting and making friends with other artists, swapping details; I firmly believe there’s enough space in this industry for all of us if we just look out for each other. I try to perform as much as possible, you never know who’s watching, and I really enjoy putting my own events on too where my band and I can create a safe, nurturing space for artists, creatives, friends and family to come together and have a good time. I’ve always found that when you put love into your local community, it comes back around in waves. To anyone just discovering me, I really hope you have a good time and that my house is safe, warm and welcoming for you. 🙂

Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?

A: There’s loads that come to mind. Over the last few years I’ve discovered so many amazingly talented queer artists who I truly look up to. I’ve learned so much from all of them, their style, their expression, their confidence and unapologeticness, if I had to pick a fave though, it would definitely be Troye Sivan. ‘Something To Give Each Other’ was the gay pop album I didn’t know I needed. It took me to a different place and was the perfect way to round off my 2023. I’m seeing him in Manchester this weekend and I CANNOT put into words how excited I am!! 🙂

Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “Superhero.”?

A: Superhero is an upbeat, energetic queer anthem all about being who you are. I’m a fun-loving, campy gay nerd and I’ve had a lifelong obsession with comic books and movies. The best songwriters always say to write from the heart and draw from your own experiences, and this is probably the most honest song I’ve ever written. It’s about an interest I used to get teased a lot for in school, but I never stopped being proud to be a superhero lover and this song is a celebration of that world and its fans. But beyond that, it’s a message for all my beautiful weirdos out there, anyone who doesn’t feel they quite fit in, that you don’t have to. Your differences are what make you special and you should scream from the rooftops what amazing human beings you all are!

Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?

A: Quirky.

Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Superhero”?

A: Surprisingly few! I wrote the song in a single evening, I hadn’t written anything in a little while and it was the first big burst of inspiration I’d had in ages, which was so refreshing and made the writing process fun and fulfilling. At the time I didn’t yet have my fabulous Hot Tub Boys as they’re now called, so I sat on this song for a little bit until the time was right. Then fast forward to September last year, Eddie (guitar), Alex (bass), Toby (drums) and I had done 4 fantastic shows together and had become a proper unit, I knew then we were ready to commit our music to record. Coastal Sound in Liverpool were so fun and easy to work with and made both sessions an absolute breeze. The production and mastering phases took a little longer; I had lots of really interesting chats with our producer Ben, since ‘Superhero’ is such a retro record, we wanted the finished mix to show that some love but still absolutely meet the standards of 2020s-era production. We went into so much detail about how each part should sound, and I loved how patient and attentive he was. He made every idea a reality and was so precise and on it, he was a pleasure to work with. Same with our mastering engineer Cameron, he knew exactly how to give the finished production that vintage sheen it needed, they both took everything in their stride and I was utterly blown away by the end result.

Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?

A: It’s touched upon in Superhero, but my music is all about authenticity, identity and expression. It’s to encourage everyone to be their beautiful authentic self and to never shy away from living their truth. It’s also about community and togetherness; I’ve found since starting my musical journey that NOTHING makes me happier than bringing people together and creating joyous, lasting memories. Memories we can then conjure back to mind to get us through our darker moments, as well as having those connections and people we can turn to in an instant and know they’ll be there. I’ve always viewed music as one of the greatest vehicles for creating that community and camaraderie. I’ll never forget seeing so many friends and peers at our Superhero launch gig back in May, seeing everyone having a great time and bonding, that’s so powerful to me and my biggest mission as an artist.

Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)

A: Oooh that’s a good one, I’m gonna go with some of my fave indie queer artists in the scene right now. Bentley Robles is a beautifully talented guy who I really look up to. Not only is he such a great performer and songwriter, but also his openness about the difficulties of the music industry, his struggles and how he overcomes them. That actually really helped me feel better about my own challenges I’ve faced and taught me to be less harsh on myself. I bet we’d write the ultimate self-love anthem. Zee Machine would also be an absolute JOY to collaborate with, he and my guitarist Eddie could have a riff-off! And they’ve got such a powerful, anthemic voice that I reckon we’d make some gorgeous harmonies together. 🙂

Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?

A: Go with your gut and stay true to yourself. There are some people who will be determined to compromise your identity or vision, to mold you into something more ‘marketable’ or ‘safe’. Ignore them and keep being you. You’ll find your audience, you’ll find your space, or make your own! And it will be so much more rewarding when you do, cos it’ll be truly YOURS.

Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?

A: Hang on in there. Don’t let those who seek to dampen your light win, because ultimately they only want to bring you down to make themselves feel better. You’re different, you’re silly, you sing, you dance, you see the world in a unique way; and one day you’re gonna find your place in the world where you’re celebrated for it. One day you’re gonna have a real found family around you, you’re gonna have a kick-ass band who are ready to take on the world with you, you’ll be singing and playing your heart out to adoring crowds screaming every word back at you, you’ll discover and learn to love your queerness, you’ll conquer every gay club in the North West and kiss every cute boy you fancy, you’ll lie on bright beaches, taking in the sun, looking out at the sea with a pink gin and lemonade in hand, and above it all, you will be you. Unfiltered, unapologetic, joyous Joey.


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