Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: When I was eight years old I remember sitting in the front pew at my great grandfathers funeral. The church was overflowing with people who had come to honor him. They played his final orchestral song he had written which was the story of his life. The church fell silent as it started and slowly I began to hear people starting to cry. The song expresses the wonder of youth and the struggle of middle age and then ended in peace. As I sat there I could feel the emotion in what he had written and I can see the effect it had on a world he was no longer a part of. I knew in that moment I would become a musician and try to touch peoples lives the way that he had.
Q: Can you describe the musical style of High Cap Maggie in three words?
A: Unapologetic anti-establishment Rock
Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?
A: Mostly through our mailing list and instagram. With all the hate we receive, the encouragement we get from fans goes so much farther in motivating us than they will ever know.
Q: You have just released your new single, ‘Go On’. Is there a story behind it?
A: The gaslighting of parents over the last few years has ignited a fire for those that want to protect their children. And, as we are seeing it is all coming to light. The song addresses the sexualization and grooming of our children in our schools and the growing mental health crisis that is tied to it.
Q: What is your favorite verse(s) from the single and why?
A: Actually the bridge of the song is my favorite lyrics. “You can try to hide and ignore the road ahead, but one day it will come for you. It will come for you too.” That is the truth of the matter. We can not bury our heads in the sand and hope the evils of the world pass over us. Good men must stand up for what is right.
Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the single, “Go On”?
A: Each song is created a little differently. With ‘Go On’ I started with the guitar and drum tracks first. Then came the melody and lastly the lyrics were written while I was out on a run. At the time I was working on the whole project by myself so I went with my gut and bounced ideas off my wife.
Q: What has been the most memorable concert or performance for High Cap Magiie so far?
A: We haven’t performed a show yet together, but I’m sure when we do I’ll never forget it!
Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?
A: This track ‘Go On’ holds a very special place for me as it is the calling of why I started doing this whole project to begin with. I’m trying to save my daughter’s future. What good am I as a father if I stand bye while her future is destroyed and I leave her nothing but a kingdom of ashes? We must change the culture if we are to change the course of the world. I do all of this for her.
Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into High Cap Maggie’s unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?
A: This is change right now. When I originally started on these songs I was all by myself with no support. Now that Abel Sanchez is on board the creative process is evolving. We truly work great together and he is an absolutely brilliant musician. I know his influence will take the new songs we are working on to a whole new level.
Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for High Cap Maggie, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?
A: My message would be…. You are not alone and you are not crazy. This is not a left vs right thing. This is good vs evil. If we stop the elites from dividing us we could unit as one and change the world.