Interview With Georgia Alexandra

Q: Welcome back, Georgia Alexandra! It’s fantastic to have you with us again. Since our last conversation, a lot has happened in your musical journey. To kick things off, could you share some highlights or pivotal moments that have shaped your artistic path since our last interview?

A: Thank you, it’s great to be back! Last time I’d just released my first single “Leave This Town Tonight”, and it was kind of an introduction as to who I am and the music I make. Now, with this next release and all the upcoming projects, I’m finally on track and sharing all the music I’ve been working on. 

Q: Can you describe the musical style of Georgia Alexandra in three words?

A: Real, dreamy and relatable.

Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?

A: I like to think of my fans as friends, as people who I can share my journey and creative projects with and who can share their journey with me. I appreciate every single one of them.

Q: You have just released your new single, ‘The Last Time’. Is there a story behind it?

A: I wrote The Last Time in November of 2020. It’s a song about heartbreak, about never really getting closure because there was never a goodbye, as the relationship just faded out in time and you grew apart.

Q: What is your favorite verse from the song and why?

A: The bridge just came out and I was like oh okay so that’s how we feel: “it seems to be all me, ‘cause you seem alright you, moved to the city, left all the pity, met someone pretty”. It’s sort of saying I’m jealous you moved on and got to leave all of it behind and are doing so much better.

Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the song, “The Last Time”?

A: Although I wrote the song on my own, I recorded it with a producer called Josh Northwood in the UK. I had an idea of what I wanted the production to be like, inspired by songs from the early 2010s with a pop/rock kind of vibe. After talking it through and listening to some references I had, he worked his magic and came up with the instrumental. Then I went to his studio and recorded the vocals.

Q: What has been the most memorable concert or performance for Georgia Alexandra so far?

A: In all honesty, I’ve hardly performed live, there are not many chances where I live. There aren’t any open mic nights or anything like that. But hopefully soon I can find some ways of doing so. Nonetheless, the times I have, I’ve really enjoyed it, it was really thrilling and I got to get my bearings a bit. 

Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?

A: I’d have to say “Leave This Town Tonight” is the most special one to me. It was the first one I released that was the beginning of me really going for it and trying to find my place in the music industry, and I really like the meaning behind the song. I have a couple of unreleased songs I’d like to release though that are super special with which I feel like I’m coming into my own. 

Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into Georgia Alexandra’s unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?

A: I always try to write at least one song a day, but sometimes I’m too busy so I try to write a quick one and do it in less than 5 minutes. Other times I spend some time really working on the song/s. I usually know when I’m more or less finished writing a song if I like it enough to release it.  

Regarding the writing process, I always tend to start with a chord progression either on piano or guitar. I play the chords over and over and hum and mumble something and record it. I then go back and write the lyrics; often keeping some of the things I mumble. I usually have a concept in mind before I begin, but sometimes it takes a whole different route. If I like it enough, I record a demo and think about potentially releasing it. The other ones just stay on my phone, but I really should get round to posting them.

Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for Georgia Alexandra, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?

A: I’d really love to perform some more, and as for music releases, I have a few songs in line, which may lead me to release an EP. I’d love to work with more people too, I always do practically all of it on my own. And as for the message I’d like to share with my fans; i appreciate you so very much and please stick around haha, it’s going to get busy and I have so much to share.


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