Q: Welcome back, Avi Kytes! It’s fantastic to have you with us again. Since our last conversation, a lot has happened in your musical journey. To kick things off, could you share some highlights or pivotal moments that have shaped your artistic path since our last interview?
A: Hi it’s been quite an intense couple of months, since I started releasing my music. Most importantly the warm reception and the fact that I can see people resonate with my music is something I didn’t think possible. The idea was to release some songs just for me and hope for the best but this has exceeded my expectations. I have found the confidence to explore my artistry and some deeper levels of my personality through music and that to me is the biggest gift I could have asked for.
Q: Can you describe the musical style of Avi Kytes in three words?
A: It has been evolving over these past months but I would still keep it as Narrative, Introspective and Catchy.
Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?
A: I keep track to any feedback or emotional response my music can create, it means the world to me that the message comes through and also to see how some people make it their own. I’m lucky that I’m at a level where keeping in touch with your fans is easy and accessible so its such a bliss and joy.
Q: You have just released your new single, ‘We Got Used’. Is there a story behind it?
A: It’s a heartbreak in its essence. Was a collaboration with one of my best friends Hazel to try to understand the reasons of a break up, which gave us the idea to explore singing a song from the two opposing sides. I find harsh moments yield the best inspiration so that’s what we did, and was such a cathartic process to go through with the best company.
Q: What is your favorite verse from the song and why?
A: I think my favourite part must be the bridge, having both me and Hazel singing at the same time conflicting melodies with conflicting messages. It just shows to me the conflict and chaos behind a break up that lacks communication, from me saying “come back” to her saying “she had to do it”. Gives me chills every time I hear it back.
Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the song, “We Got Used”?
A: We knew from the beginning this had to be a simple approach, keep it gutting and real, so we decided to make the piano the driving force and then was a matter of adding ambience layers that would enhance this world of pain and conflict. It’s a song that has to be delicate yet cutting, so the imagery we were aiming for was a glass knife, sharp yet fragile.
Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?
A: This last release “We Got Used” is probably on of my most precious works so far, mainly because of what it has meant to collaborate with Hazel. She is an artist I’ve been working with since the inception of her project and we have both influenced each other massively in our careers, both as a producer and as a writer. So to get to share some part of this journey and to have my first collaboration with her it’s a privilege.
Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into Avi Kytes’ unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?
A: It’s all about mood for me. I look for a story that I find compelling or that my body feels inclined to explore and what mood that triggers. Lyrics are mostly for world building and putting a sentiment across with the message so I try to create a scene. My way of imagining a song is to make it play in a scene, feeling like it’s part of a major narrative.
Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for Avi Kytes, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?
A: Well this year is starting to shape very interestingly, got some new music in the oven and it’s a big step for me as an artist for growth. I’m seeing this year as a year of blooming as I’m opening up about my own personality and identity while also keeping that energy and catchiness. I truly hope this year people get to see me more for who I am, which is something I’m still discovering nowadays, but also that they feel inspired to let go and be who their heart tells them to be. Can’t wait to share more when all is ready.

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