Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: I was born in Madison, Wisconsin. Both my parents were born in Nigeria. I am part of CyphaDen Music which is an Indie label based in Milwaukee. I have been making music for 21 years. I listened to Jackson 5 as a kid I actually wanted to sing like Michael Jackson. But I quickly realized I don’t have the singing voice so I chose to rhyme instead.
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “Urban Legend”?
A: Just continue to network with other artists. They have fans who have never heard of me and vice versa. And also post my music on the social media platforms, get my music out there. My message for those about to discover “Urban Legend” is to sit back, relax and press play. You won’t be disappointed.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: Nas. He’s 50 years old and has put out 6 albums in the last 3 years. That’s where I find my inspiration. And also my rap partner “Taiyamo Denku,” who is the founder of CyphaDen. The amount of hard work and dedication they put into music is very admirable and I strive to be like that. Denku also motivates me to improve as an artist.
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the album, “Superfly.”?
A: In the album “Superfly” I touch on several topics. The main message is that you can’t forget where you came from. No matter how hard things get, you can persevere and don’t let anybody or anything hold you back from achieving your goals.
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: Impassioned
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Superfly”?
A: Not at all. It came together so naturally. The beats provided by DW Underground made it very easy. The pen was fluid and it spilled onto the pages
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: Love yourself, enjoy those special people around you and don’t let all the negativity out there suck you in. My goal is to keep making music for the world to hear until I no longer have the passion for it. Gain at least one new fan everyday.
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: I would love to collaborate with Chris Brown
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: Don’t change who you are. Make the music that you enjoy making. Do it for the love of music. Also support other artists who have aspirations in the music industry. Make as many connections as you can. And work on your live performances.
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: Don’t worry about what other people think about you. If they aren’t paying your bills or providing a certain lifestyle for you, what does it matter what they think? Just focus on being a better person, take care of your responsibilities and be humble.