Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: Hey, so I’m Harry, a 22 year old indie/ rock artist from Birmingham, uk. I’ve recently started this new project (TABLE 4 1) after my old band parted ways earlier last year!
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “TABLE 4 1”?
A: As a kid I played guitar with my grandad when I visited him on wales and the first thing he taught me was a 12 bar blues which I think is why I’m very much inspired by older music/ bluesy rock. My parents mostly listened to pop music which at the time I hated which led me to explore bands like arctic monkeys, my chemical romance and royal blood which bridged the gap to me liking more instrument led music.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: As I use a wheelchair, although possible (previous uk tour with C.S.C) live shows can be alot of planning, time and energy. For this reason until we start getting some big show offers our main focus is growing our online/ streaming platform presence. Focussing on Spotify and Instagram mainly we have been running ads to gain exposure that way and it’s been working really well for us! Because of our situation it works best for us to have a non traditional approach towards our business plan for the bands success.
Right now I LOVE Kid Kapichi, I just think every part of their sound, image and message is perfect for todays music consumers. From musicality to vocals these guys are the direction I hope new musicians take inspiration from. A lot of the previous c.s.c songs were inspired by artists such as Cage The Elephant, the Beatles, and a bunch of contemporary artists (peach pit, Backseat lovers)
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “Spaceman.”?
A: I think spaceman is just a song about taking a step back from a situation. A pessimistic sense of overview when assessing a period of time where you felt something for someone. When writing music I often don’t truly understand the reason behind the words I write but the chorus really is just trying to convey a sense of I guess escapism, the same way you could use this song to escape, that is the story it tells….
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: One word: evolving
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Spaceman”?
A: The studio version was pretty plain sailing to be honest apart from the steps into the studio the day was actually surprisingly smooth! For the live version however my voice was truly none existent that day so god knows how we managed that
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: Message for the music is nothing to be honest, I feel like a lot of artists dedicate their platform to push some kind of agenda but I just wanna give people my music and them enjoy it no matter who, what or where they may be! As an artist I just try to show you can be whatever you want in life, if I can be a musician with 50% of my body as useful as a chocolate frying pan then you can too!
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: Dream artist to collab with I’d have to say someone iconic like elvis. He is the only original ain’t he?
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: My advice is if I’m completely 100% honest, only be in a band with someone you can trust 100% or do it on your own. I mean it when I say as an artist to actually get anywhere you need to put literally everything you have into it, both financially emotionally, otherwise eventually it’ll get to a point and either stay there or fizzle out.
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: Don’t be a dick