Conversation With moreofthem

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?

A: I grew up in Malaysia, on a small island where everyone knew who you were, and it’s a place where it is still considered illegal to be who I am, so I didn’t have an environment where I could be open and free. Due to other aspects of my upbringing that I could consider challenging and turbulent, music was my form of escape. I would always have my earphones in, listening to artists like Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Avril Lavigne to name a few. These experiences and how I felt growing up feeling safe with these bands was something that became important for me to incorporate into my work, particularly with the ‘moreofthem’ project. 

Q: How are you planning to grow your fan base and share your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “moreofthem”?

A: Music revolves around people, and I want to have a genuine connection with everyone I meet through music first and foremost, so if you’re about to discover moreofthem for the first time, it’s more than music, it’s about conversation, free expression, and being the person you always wanted to be, and feel free to drop me a message if you want to chat. This project only began earlier in the year, and a massive thank you to everyone who has been a part of moreofthem so far. We’re already evolving, and getting better and better, so if you want to be a part of something that could change your life, join us. 

Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?

A: I’ve been very inspired by the LOUD LDN collective. I think the whole movement is such a great idea and it’s an amazing space where my morals match up with wonderful human beings that champion each other for who they are. I’ve been working on new music with the likes of Coupdekat and Jangs in the studio and they’re absolutely genius at what they do. I find inspiration for making music through observing social situations primarily. I like to base songs around certain scenarios and explore the feelings around specific moments, and a lot of it all comes from my personal experiences. 

Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “so predictable.”?

A: I wrote ‘so predictable’ about someone that I considered a friend, who kept using me for their own gain, not giving me the time and just being an all-round horrible person. After sitting on that track for a while, I came back around to it and none of the feelings have changed. So overall, ‘so predictable’ is really about standing your ground and how important it is to call out those who step all over you. 

Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?

A: Esoteric 

Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “so predictable”?

A: I started writing this track in 2019, and kept coming back to it. It was a real challenge building up all the sounds so they were cohesive, it was also a challenge getting the vocal production right. It took me countless hours fixing up every last detail to have this song sounding unique.

Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?

A: The overall message is about escapism, there may be things in your life getting in the way of realising your dreams, you may have something in your personal life that’s really affecting you, and moreofthem is about helping you get through it all. My main goal as an artist is to be the catalyst for change regarding how people in the LGBTQ+ community are perceived and treated around the world. I want to be the voice for someone who may be struggling with who they are. 

Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)

A: Got a couple in mind. Current artist is No Rome. I’ve been a massive fan of his ever since he dropped his first EP and he’s been a massive inspiration on the sound of the ‘moreofthem’ project. All time dream artist is Mike Shinoda. That man is the reason I even started writing music and producing in the first place. All of the sampling and my production techniques that I use in my songs are all through years of just studying what Mike does. Linkin Park is my favourite band, so to collaborate with him would be an absolute dream. Just even being in the same room with him is a win for me. 

Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?

A: Just get out there and do it, you can sit and talk about things forever and not make any progress, so go to that event, send that email, send that DM, just get out there, be consistent and reliable, just go for it, or it’ll never happen. 

Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?

A: Things will be okay. It might not feel like you have the bravery to be who you want to be at that current moment in time, and you may feel like you’re alone but trust me, you’re gonna grow up and find out that you will be the happiest you’ve ever been and in an environment where you finally realise the person you were always meant to be, both musically and personally.


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