Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: I’m a playful free spirit and a bit of a flirt. I’m an only child who ran away from home at 16 and has learned a lot of hard lessons all on my own. I’ve worked hard to not let it harden my spirit. I lived in my car and later van doing vanlife for 3 years too and absolutely loved the freedom of it. I love entertaining and caring for others but I also really enjoy roaming as a lone wolf (or lion since I’m a Leo). My family life was not stable and quite neglectful to say the least. I think it made the quality of the limelight that much more appealing. The relationship between the audience and the performer originally felt like something that might feed my hungry soul. But it’s all about giving and receiving. In a more direct way, when I heard Whitney Houston as a child I instantly knew music was the path I wanted to walk down.
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “Jupiter May”?
A: I want to travel and meet people face to face as much as I can. This is a musical ADVENTURE I’m on. Creating a vibe that other people can be immersed in is something I hope my music can bring. I hope to be able to give some of that energy through social media content as well. This life is a magical adventure! Sometimes in adventures the hero loses their way or goes through hardships but that makes the good in life even brighter!
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: Kesha. Her music hits an emotional nerve and has been great for my own personal healing. And her fun side is just infectious! For me inspiration strikes when I’m deep in my emotions. The dark and the light side of life both tend to put me in a state where once I find myself alone I pick up a pen.
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the song, “Fortune Teller.”?
A: Fortune Teller was written from a place of depressing uncertainty and anxiety about where my life was going next. I was in a relationship with someone who left me feeling like I was chasing a carrot on a string the whole time. The next steps in my career were unsupported and politely dismissed. I actually had a reading done by a tarot reader in New Orleans and so the song is a vulnerable expression of the existential dread and hope I was experiencing then.
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: Magical
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Fortune Teller”?
A: Not in writing or recording. I wrote Fortune Teller in one sitting in about 2 hours and recording went smoothly later too, BUT I wrote to the beat before I bought it from the producer and when I went to buy it, he told me he had sold it. I was heart broken and moved on but never forgot about the song and 3 years later I reached out to the producer and asked if I could somehow buy the exclusive license from who ever bought it from him and he told me I could actually just buy it from him directly because the person who was going to buy it never followed up with payment. It feels like the universe wanted me to have this song.
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: Manifestation. You can manifest your desires. Love, money, a new job, healing, whatever but you MUST visualize it, feel it, and then put your energy into action everyday. Believe!
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: Ryan Tedder. He’s the lead singer of OneRepublic and the incredible songwriter behind a lot of songs you know. I would just love to experience a songwriting session with him to feel his process.
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: This is the story of the tortoise and the hare! The hare might have natural talent but it takes the consistency and long term dedication of the tortoise to WIN. YouTube has all the other answers.
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: Start sooner. Ask for help instead of trying to do everything yourself and slowing yourself down. Invest your own money into creating your art. And do something for your art everyday even if it’s just a little at a time.