Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A:Hi! I’m Jen. I am a Country Pop artist originally from North Carolina. I split my time between Nashville and North Carolina. I started out as a Contemporary Christian artist and worship leader in 2015, and shifted to more secular music during 2020. I grew up listening to all types of music and it definitely has impacted my music. You can hear hints of pop, country, classic rock, etc. My faith also plays a huge role in my music. I was an only child and started writing songs at the age of 4. Because I was the shy introverted kid, I found comfort in being able to express myself through writing.
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover Jennifer Alvarado?
A: I want my music to always be honest and hopefully give the listener a little bit of hope…even if that hope is simply that someone else knows how they are feeling. I want to grow my fanbase by simply being real and authentic with what I am feeling and/or going through. I think there is great power in vulnerability.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: Hmm….it is difficult to pinpoint one person. I think music is always evolving and because of that, I am constantly inspired by different sounds and lyrics. I find inspiration from observing the human connection and real life events. I like to write about relationships…even if the inspiration has nothing to do with one…because everyone can seemingly relate to the idea of a bad relationship or falling in love with someone. I get inspired mostly by things people say or even ideas and situations that leave me having to process what transpired.
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the lyrics of the song, “IDWYB”?
A: “IDWYB” was originally inspired by me wanting to quit my job. I had a job that constantly promised me promotions, etc., but never delivered. It was a like a bad boyfriend. I saw the writing on the wall, but I cared so much about the job, that I stayed way longer than anyone should have. They would constantly tell me I was next in line for “this” or “that” and then bring someone else in to fill the role. After leaving that job, I went through this weird period where I kept thinking I should go back. This song was a reminder to myself that “yes” the job really was that bad and “no” I shouldn’t return to it.
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: Eclectic. You are going to hear several genres and I think that is okay.
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “IDWYB “?
A: Honestly no. I added a few elements with this recording that I typically would not have used….like the answering machine tape…but it fit the vibe of the song.
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: My main goal is to create relatable music that helps the listener feel understood and seen. Growing up, I constantly found solace in others’ lyrics. I felt like someone understood what I was going through. So my greatest goal is to be there for someone else.
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: I want to collaborate and/or tour with Reba McEntire. I have looked up to her since I was nine years old.
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: Develop a thick skin and have grit. You need to be true to who you are because you will constantly be told who you aren’t by the world. Make sure you know your why for wanting to do music and honestly, make sure the why is worthwhile because some days are straight up hard and without an impactful why, you are more likely to give up.
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: People will constantly try to tell you who they think you should be, who you shouldn’t be and who you most definitely are not. They will tell you what is practical and what is foolish and should never be attempted. Ignore these people. Some will even disguise themselves as friends, but their opinions are still just their opinions and should have no bearing on your worth. Many times people measure your potential by their own shortcomings and self doubt.
Never put someone on a pedestal. Never have unrealistic expectations. People will let you down. Know that people will let you down. Some mean too, but many just can’t help it. It is part of being human. You will also let others down, so accept that now and take the pressure off yourself. You will never be perfect.
Being perfect, the smartest, the most anything….none of those are real, so stop trying to reach those things. They are relative terms that change like the weather. Your best is enough and when you are tired or sick or hurt….you are allowed to rest. Your worth is not based on your achievements. You are not more worthy because you make straight A’s, graduate Valedictorian or even become The President of the United States. You are more than a label.
When people hurt you, exclude you, or call you names, remember that is a reflection on them and not you. Hurting people hurt people. Never look down on someone else even if they hurt you. You too will hurt someone, whether intentional or not and will need to be forgiven.
There is a light in you that comes out when you are talking about or working on your passion. It’s different than anything else you exude. Don’t let that light dim. Others will see that light, so guard it. Some will try to use it. Some will try to hide it away, so it doesn’t shine brighter than theirs. While others will try to extinguish it completely. Many times it is because someone extinguished theirs before they even had a shot at using it. Hold onto that light with everything you got because it is your gift to the world.
You are going to face storms. Just like the light inside you, hold onto your faith during these times. God loves you. He created you. He gave you your light. He is aware of the storms and He will sustain you and help fight the battle.
There are many things in life that will make little to no sense to you as you go through them, but when you look back, you will see that God had purpose in all of it. If, however, you find yourself ever alone and afraid, know that God is right there. Know that while your questions may not be answered immediately, God still welcomes them. He doesn’t love you less when you come to Him with questions or even frustrations. After all, He designed you and already knew you would ask them.
When you do get everything you ever wanted, please remember it was only by God’s grace and will. Never forget how grateful you are to have it. Don’t let your heart be hardened by this world, by the mean spirits of others and negativity. Instead remain humble. Welcome heartbreak and the lessons it teaches, so that you can be even kinder to someone else that is hurting. Always be a friend…even if they don’t deserve it. Yes, kindness is taken advantage of, but it’s also contagious. So spread kindness like it’s your life’s mission.
Don’t forget you are beautiful. Not because of the way you look, but because of your heart. The light that radiates out of you is directly from your heart. God designed that heart specifically for you. Never let someone make you question whether it is good or worthy of being loved. People will break it, but hopefully the piece they break off will help theirs beat properly again.
Lastly, it will all be okay. Remember rainbows only appear after the storm.