Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how your childhood impacted your musical direction?
A: I have always been interested in music ever since I was young. Even from my earliest days of existance on this earthly realm, even the places where I would go in life and whether that is a shopping mall or a restaurant, I would always be interested in the songs that were played in the background. I think there’s some connection with the concept of musical sounds and my soul that resonates within the universe that made me feel that I wanted to pursue a career in music. What’s even more weird in a good way that is, I loved music and the genre of music that sing today ‘RnB/Soul’ long before I knew I could sing. It was like this journey or way of life was destined for me and then years later I would be able to develop the ability to sing where I could then manifest my joy of music into the very fabrics of reality by later being able to sing and pursue a career in music.
Q: How are you planning on growing your fan base and sharing your music with the world? What message do you have for anyone who is about to discover “HJ Soul”?
A: I think the most important thing about this all would be the fans. I think if there’s a way I can exponentially increase my fanbase, then that’s through continuously producing great new music. If I am able to be consistent with releasing new music regularly that sounds relevant to my genere and style then I think naturally fans will be gravitated towards my music and fans will grow in that way. It’s great now that there’s the opportunity to distribute your music to major flatforms online which is easier to share to potential fans across the world, I do also think that when I get the chance and a great team to help with my brand as a singer songwriter that I will also be able to get many shows nationally and perhaps internationally to also connect my music to fans around the world and that will be the momentum I am needing to grow my fan base properly.
Q: Who is the most inspiring artist for you right now? And where do you find inspiration for making music?
A: I don’t think I can say specifically who inspires me in this moment as several artists and their talent inspire me. What I will say is that I am inspired by the artists who actually have been through a lot including things like mental health or any aspects of their life that they’ve struggled with and been able to almost write a story of this in their songs with that emotion that is needed to actually feel the song. I think those kind of songs help us as humanity as a way of expressing our feelings and emotions to get through difficult times that sometimes can occur in life.
Q: Can you tell us about the story or message behind the EP, “Illusions.”?
A: The EP ‘Illusions’ delve into the complexities of relationships, highlighting how unspoken expectations can complicate matters. Within the song lyrics, I subtly pronounce the subconscious desires and expectations that exist within relationships, often referred to as ‘Illusions’ due to their unrealized nature. Beyond romantic love, I also explores a broader interpretation of love, talking about the importance of helping individuals realize their fullest potential in life, free of societal constraints. With something for every kind of relationship or just appreciated for its sheer artistry, ‘Friday Evening’ from the ‘Illusions’ EP is certainly not a song to miss out on. I have also included another perspective of the concept of love within this EP, and how it can be interpretated in another way within life which has particularly been expressed within the words of the song ‘See Through The Illusion’. Love could also be seen in a different light as well, and that can be through helping individuals to achieve their best potential in life without being controlled by the constraints of what their own particular societies of how life should be followed. The idea of ‘love’ in this concept is that it is an ‘illusion’ if it is a pretence, although ‘real love’ is something that will help us to grow as individuals.
Q: How would you describe your sound in one word for potential listeners?
A: Soulfulness
Q: Did you face any challenges while writing or recording “Illusions”?
A: It was an absolute pleasure to create an EP with so much creativity and thought, where a love story could be told in so many different ways within each song which helped me maintain authenticity whislt creating this project. The romance that can go into a relationship can be complicated at times due to certain ‘so called’ expectations between each individual without the ability of being able to truly communicate those needs within the relationship itself, hence there were several ideas for the songwriting process for each song in the EP. The words that I wrote within each song of the EP are actually subconscious feelings of these thoughts (expectations) between each individual of a potential love affair that could exist, that are merely ‘Illusions’ at the moment (hence the name of the EP), although could exist if each individual within the relationship could surpass their own limiting boundaries and communicate their thoughts and needs, so that the ‘illusion’ of ‘separateness’ between each individual could perhaps instead manifest into a prospering relationship hence the creativity flowed well when making this EP. Some of the wording within the songs themselves almost try to convey that this romantic bond is already there, through their subconscious body language expressing affection between each individual in the most elegant of ways.
Q: What is the message of your music? And what are your goals as an artist?
A: Since writing my single ‘Dream of Your Soul’ I have learnt that music needs to have this feeling to it, as this song did, and so I wanted to create my newest project in a similar way as I think it’s important to express your individuality and uniqueness through your songs. So, ultimately my goal as an artist is to continue to write quality new music and produce new fantastic songs continuously to help make RnB/Soul feel relevant within the music industry like it did say in the 90s.
Q: Who is your dream artist to collaborate with? (dead or alive)
A: I can’t answer this, there’s too many artists who I would admire the chance to collaborate with!
Q: What is your advice for people interested in pursuing music as a career or for those trying to enter the industry?
A: As an aspiring musician a career in music is difficult, and I would say is to continue with the process and don’t give up. There’s going to be many hurdles along the way where you feel like giving up, and although it’s natural to feel this way, continue with the grind and you’ll see results at the end if you have faith.
Q: If you could go back in time and give a younger you some words of wisdom, what would they be?
A: Follow the path that is aligned with your soul whether that’s career or anything that you want to have success with in life, and also anything that you want to pursue in life, don’t let anybody talk you out of your dreams. It’s also important to know to not expect success quickly, it takes time and possible faliures to get to that pinnacle and so don’t let the failures define your worth. I feel these words of wisdom should be valid throughout life. I think our fate is what we make of it, and so take charge of what you want in life and complete those goals that you’ve set out to accomplish until fruition.