Q: Hey, can you tell us a bit about where you come from, and what made you want to start a career in music?
A: I started playing music when I was 10 years old. I really wanted to play the drums, but my parents weren’t feeling that, haha. I then wanted to play guitar and my parents kinda bribed me. I was able to play guitar if I took piano lessons as well. Guitar hasn’t really left my hand since, haha.
Q: And what other artists have you found yourself listening to lately?
A: Hot Mulligan, New Fall Out Boy is really really good, Really love the new The Used record, Better Lovers, Luke Bryan. Third Eye Blind, As Tall As Lions and Nas are always in rotation haha.
Q: Who were your first and strongest musical influences, and why the name ‘heavy on the heart.’?
A: blink-182 is the reason I wanted to pick up a guitar. I’ve always kinda been around music. My dad played, my mom played, my grandfather played. I remember being young and would be babysat by my aunt. My cousins were older than me but I always wanted to hang with them. He would always have Kiss, The Rolling Stones, Poison, Metallica and all these bands on. I was always interested but it really hit me when I got the Enema of the State record for a birthday gift. I knew then and there I need to play guitar.
heavy on the heart. actually came from Nikki. My former band broke up and I lost my best friend in the process. Nikki and I were on my deck in the backyard one day and I was saying something along the lines of “this weighs so heavy on my heart.” She stopped be dead in my tracks and goes “That’s it! That’s the band name! “heavy on the heart!”
Q: You have just released your new single, ‘Mr. Know It All’. Is there a story behind it?
A: Originally, I had wrote the song about the Qanon conspiracies and taking aim at that silly stuff. But when Nikki and I starting writing, I wanted to make it a more personable experience. She ended up talking about how she dated a guy that dated 3 other girls named Nicole. As comedic as the story was to me, I felt for her. That is a shitty situation. We sat down and knocked out the lyrics for Mr. Know It All in an hour and a half, 2 hours.
Q: Can we expect a new EP or even an album from you in the near future?
A: Yes! We are releasing a brand new single on 7/21 called “Not Now, Love” and a 5 song EP in September 2023. We’re also gonna be headed back to Sound Acres Studio with producer Gary Cioni (Crime In Stereo, Hot Mulligan, Free Throw, Moose Creek Park) to begin production on a full length record in September as well.
Q: What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?
A: Lyrics, Rhythm and Melody for sure. I feel we pay so much mind to creating in our heads the perfect feeling song and then trying to translate the emotion the music gives us through the lyrics. Give something people could hopefully relate to. Our sound is definitely a blend of pop rock, pop punk and alternative rock. We are definitely expanding on that sound with the new material but we’re trying to do so in a way that stays true to us and doesn’t feel like we’re trying to reinvent the wheel.
Q: Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfillment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more?
A: I think as musicians we always strive for something more. The bigger stage, the larger audience, the brighter lights. But honestly if music isn’t giving something back to you before all of that, you’re doing something wrong. Music is magic, man. Music gives me so much back before it even hits a listener. It’s therapeutic, it’s fun, it’s adventurous, it’s serotonin. Then putting it out in the world for the world to do what it wants with it is another form of magic. Honestly I always strive for more. But if the music we write can impact one persons life in a positive way, we have done our jobs.
Q: Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song?
A: Honestly, it’s always a little different song by song. Typically I sit down with an acoustic guitar and just find chords or riffs that make me feel something. Spark some type of emotion or feeling. I start demoing it playing all the instruments and introduce it to Nick (our drummer) who takes whatever drum beat I had and makes it a million times better. Once we have a cohesive demo, Nikki and I usually sit down and write vocals and Melodies. Sometimes we’re rehearsing and I’ll start playing something and someone will be like oh I like that and we build on top of that. Then we bring the songs to our producer who helps us reach further creative levels with it. It’s magic man, haha.
Q: What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
A: Life has been a series of ups and downs. I think it reflects in the music and projects I’ve been a part of. When going through it, it always seems that whatever it is at the moment is the most difficult thing you’ve gone through till that storm clears and the next comes, haha. I just try and enjoy the ride get through it and live in and for the moment. My favorite quote of all time is “Face Everything and Rise” and I believe I live my life by that motto.
Q: On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?
A: I’ve had so many proud and significant moments in both life and music. I’m a street kid. I’ve been on my own since I was 15-16 years old. To be honest I’m proud to even be here now. Nobody thought I’d be here or alive. I think musically every little and large moment led me to hear and I’m proud of it all. The ups, downs and in between.