Q: Hey, can you tell us a bit about where you come from, and what made you want to start a career in music?
A: Yeah, Sure, I am from Melbourne, Australia
Music has always been something that I’v wanted to do I come from a very creative family I have always been around painting and creativity and from a very young age I learned to paint but have always known music is what I was going to do. When I was about 14 I begun doing music full time learning and teaching myself music production, different instruments, song writing, performance, Etc.
Q: And what other artists have you found yourself listening to lately?
A: I listen to the most random mix of different and styles of music
For example on my current playlist I have ‘The Periodic Table Song’, ‘Ain’t Got No Home’ by Clarence “frogman” Henry, ‘So What’ by P!nk, ‘Brown Girl In The Ring’ by Boney M, ‘My Name Is’ by Eminem and ‘Humoresque in G-Flat Major’ to name a few.
Q: Who were your first and strongest musical influences?
A: When I was younger we listened to a lot of reggae and R&B in my family which is odd considering I make pop music but I think it was an important part of helping me create my artistic style.
When I was quite young I was introduced to comedy artists like Tom Green and Jack Black
Which I think is why I like adding lots of personality into my music now.
My first ever concert was Boney M and it was amazing.
I then later on started gaining inspiration more from Pop musicians and bands like The Beatles and more Morden pop like P!nk, Lily Allen, Pharrell Williams, Adele, Ed Sheeran and Tones And i
But my biggest musical inspiration is Elton John.
Q: You have just released your new single, ‘Good Luck Black Cat’. Is there a story behind it?
A: When I was in year 9 I left formal education to focus on music full time, I had enough of being told what to do, I wanted to learn music, music is all I wanted to do. There was to much of a hierarchy at school and I didn’t like being looked down at. I felt angry and sad and I felt like I needed to take control of my own life
And I guess a lot of Good Luck Black Cat was the emotions that came from that but presented from the more happy, relatable, fun and Rebellious part of how I felt afterwards.
Q: Can we expect a new EP or even an album from you in the near future?
A: Yes, I am hoping to release an album in the near future you can follow me on instagram and TikTok for info and release dates for my upcoming release!! @amalie_music_
Q: What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?
A: The main things I hope people gain when listening to My music is an experience, that feeling when you can listen to a song over and over again because you’re able to feel it and relate to it and mostly feel inspired by it. I like to add small hints of humour and personality because it’s something I like to hear in a song also I like contrast in a song so if I add a pretty piano melody I will add something to contrast that like distorted electric guitar or an intense bass.
Q: Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfilment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more?
A: music is definitely something that gives me a lot of fulfilment it is something I am always going to do, it is something that definitely takes a lot of dedication to learn, to develop artistically and to get somewhere with your carrier but something that you’ve got to remember with making music is to make sure you are having fun and being creative and performing and gaining confidence because its easy to forget to have fun sometimes because of the pressure of the industry but Art and any form creativity for me is the most fulfilling and inspiring thing to do.
Q: Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song?
A: Every song starts in a different way I usually have a an idea of a melody or a lyric or even a feeling and the song will then expand from there. A lot of the time I like to build the music on my computer or come up with a chord progression or something on the piano and I usually write the chorus last. Sometimes I just start with a sound I like or a word or phrase. When writing the lyrics for a song often I have to draw a picture to get the words out.
Q: What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?
A: Anything creative, being an artist and making music is the best thing ever, its fun and its exciting but when its something you want to do for the rest of your life you start putting pressure on yourself and pushing yourself and you start seeing everything though tunnel vision and your perspective on your music becomes harsh and all you can see is your goal and what your trying to do, where your trying to get in your carrier and I guess its because create your music, the thing that you’ve just put so much emotion and love and effort into and you send it out to millions of people and places and hope for the result you want, its a lot of pressure but I find you’ve just got to be strong enough to keep going and then nothing can stop you!
Q: On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?
A: One of the best times in my career so far was Busking in Byron Bay, I grew as an artist my confidence got stronger and I was able to freely create and perform every day.
Busking is hard but I’v found it really helpful because its different then doing a show and in some ways even harder because you have to try to get people interested enough to stop and listen so I think it has hugely helped with my ability to perform!
Releasing Good Luck Black Cat was awesome I got to work with Garrett Kato on the production of the song which was really fun, Also I really enjoyed co-writing and featuring in ‘Fever’ for one of OMNIVI3E’s dance albums called For The First Time And I am really looking forward to doing some shows in the near future!!!

Follow Amalie:
Spotify – SoundCloud – YouTube – Instagram – TikTok