Chad Lewine – Over It

We are super excited to share this outstanding song “Over It” by professional artist Chad Lewine. The song highlights a beautiful and catchy performance from Lewine; matched with unique melodies and original lyrics that will keep you coming back for more. The artist showcases his unique sense of musical style and tone… bringing something completely refreshing and new to the table. The production of this song is creative and the atmosphere is unique. Lewine is a talented artist and his music is distinctive, memorable and sets him apart from the crowd.

For fans of Alternative/Indie music, Chad Lewine did something really special here and we can’t wait to hear more from him down the road. Check it out for yourself and let us know what you think. Don’t forget to follow Chad Lewine online to stay up to date!


songs about the human experience // upgrading consciousness // healing earth // general fun

music that makes u wanna live. wanna be alive.

“My music is intended to wake people up from complacency. My songs bring you to a higher, better feeling state of being. My songs to let you feel connected and understood. To go forward in you empowerment.

My vision is that one by one my songs, my listeners, will affect change globally. After hundreds and thousands of years of the same thing, it’s no longer the same. We are not the same. We are no longer living or feeling the same way. We are different.

We are in the midst of a global shift. I know you feel it. The times are changing. Everyone must answer their calling. Mine is music. Music for empowerment. For telling the truth. For feeling good. For protecting ourselves. For remembering ourselves. For waking up. It is time to wake up.”

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