We can’t get enough of this beautiful masterpiece, “Bricolage,” by the experienced and talented Italian band Caveja.
«Bricolage» is a song about memories, about all those smaller repair jobs we carry out around our memory that give a shape and a meaning to our own past and present. We love to talk about nature and natural elements in our songs. That’s why Autumn and November in particular seemed like the perfect image to represent this: it shows the end of a cycle and the birth of another, as if asking us to reflect on what has been and what will be.
The minute we heard this song, we knew it was something special and we needed to share it with you. The instrumentation is beautifully catchy and the recording quality is interesting. This band has an amazing talent when it comes to songwriting, their lyrics are beautifully written and mesh perfectly with the vocal melodies. The vocalist has one of the purest voices we’ve ever heard and her performance on this record is captivating. The production of this song is professional and the atmosphere is unique. This band has a great sound and their music is different and deserves to be heard by all people around the world.
If you’re into this type of production and sound, look no further – you just discovered your new favorite band. Take a listen and you’ll know exactly what we’re saying! Spread the word and be sure to follow Caveja online to stay up to date on any future releases!

Caveja is an Italian band and collective, housed in the foggy plains between Bologna and Ravenna. Different musical backgrounds assure a dynamic creative process and a personal synthesis of Soul, R&B and psychedelic sounds, built on the solid foundation of
the traditional Italian song.
Caveja is Alex Cantelli (Guitar, vocals), Michele Ragazzini (Keys, synths), Ilaria Tampieri (Vocals), Leonardo Drei (Saxophones), Enrico Andrini (Bass), Alex Ferro (Guitar), Daniel Bruni (Drums).
After a summer season full of live performances (notably: 25th Meeting of Independent Labels, Eurovillage 2022 in Turin, Frogstock Festival) we landed on digital stores with three singles representing our musical journey up to where we are now. We are now writing and recording new music, a new season that will be released through the next year.

Follow Caveja:
Spotify – SoundCloud – YouTube – Facebook – Instagram