Experienced and talented artist Ani grabbed our attention with his beautiful song, “Revy Bird.” Upon hearing this song for the first time, we knew it was something special, and we needed to share it with you.
Ani’s writing style is beautiful and his vocal performance is charming. He has one of the catchiest voices we’ve ever heard and this song shows off all the melodic tones of his stunning voice and shows how talented he is when it comes to writing songs. Ani’s lyrics are beautifully written and mesh perfectly with the vocal melodies. The chorus is catchy and will get stuck in your head for days. You may find yourself singing it by the next morning. The instrumental is outstanding and the production and mixing are excellent. “Revy Bird,” is one of the best songs we’ve heard in days and really deserves more attention. Check it out for yourself and be sure to let us know what you think. Don’t forget to follow Ani online to stay up to date!
“The song “Bird” was written 25 years ago (I was young) but it never left my mind. Three years ago I finally re-established my private home studio and were able to take one more step with my music. Oslo-based studio Getaz helped me co-produce Bird and here I am. Hopefully someone likes my song. I have so much more inside to tell and write, but I have no clue if this a bit strange song will find someone out there. Exiting it is, anyway!”

I started playing hammond organ and trumpet as a young kid back in the 70’s. Moved to synth, piano, blues-harp and chromatic harmonica in the 90’s. Joined a few local band projects, but never did anything seriously. Lately I have picked up an old dream to create my own music. The first song «Bird» was written 25 years ago, but I have never produced or released anything until now.
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