Album: Great American Racer – Great American Racer

“Great American Racer” is the highly anticipated new album by the talented musician, Great American Racer. With a thought-provoking concept centered around the devastating opioid epidemic, the album takes listeners on a poignant journey through the struggles faced by Rust Belt communities, particularly the artist’s hometown of Johnstown. This article explores the album’s profound themes, its connection to the industrial decline of Johnstown, and the artist’s determination to bring hope and positive change to affected communities.

Great American Racer’s hometown of Johnstown was once a thriving industrial city fueled by the coal and steel industries. However, a series of catastrophic floods and subsequent job outsourcing led to the city’s decline. The artist vividly recalls witnessing the aftermath of this decline during their childhood, seeing abandoned steel mills and crumbling buildings that were once symbols of prosperity. These images ignited a curiosity within the artist, compelling them to question the factors that contributed to such a devastating transformation.

Through extensive research, Great American Racer discovered a distressing reality plaguing their hometown – the opioid epidemic. This crisis had silently infiltrated Rust Belt communities like Johnstown, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Initially skeptical of the severity of the issue, the artist soon realized the personal toll it had taken on friends and family members. This awakening inspired Great American Racer to channel their emotions into music as a means of expressing their sadness, frustration, and hope for a better future.

In “Great American Racer,” the artist delves into the profound correlation between Johnstown’s industrial decay and the rampant substance abuse that has engulfed the community. The album highlights the sense of despair, hopelessness, and disillusionment that often accompanies the loss of industries that once defined the region. By shedding light on this connection, Great American Racer offers listeners a deeper understanding of the complex factors contributing to the opioid epidemic.

Great American Racer recognizes the transformative power of music in bringing about positive change. With “Great American Racer,” the artist aims to inspire hope and comfort in individuals grappling with similar situations. By weaving together heartfelt lyrics and evocative melodies, the album serves as a catalyst for raising awareness, fostering empathy, and encouraging conversations surrounding the opioid epidemic.

Beyond the music itself, Great American Racer is committed to making a tangible difference. The artist pledges to donate a portion of the album’s profits to anti-drug causes in western Pennsylvania, demonstrating their dedication to supporting organizations that combat substance abuse and provide vital assistance to affected communities. By actively participating in philanthropic endeavors, Great American Racer hopes to inspire others to join the fight against the opioid epidemic and work towards building a brighter future.

“Great American Racer” stands as a testament to the power of music as a platform for social change. Through this concept album, Great American Racer compassionately addresses the devastating opioid epidemic and its ties to the industrial decline of their hometown. By sharing their personal experiences and donating to relevant causes, the artist seeks to bring hope, comfort, and positive transformation to affected communities. As listeners embark on this musical journey, they are invited to reflect, engage, and embrace the potential for collective healing and progress in the face of adversity.


Great American Racer is the brand new studio project from Pennsylvania singer-songwriter Jake Dryzal. Though primarily known for his work under the ambient pop alias Blue Navy, Dryzal’s music as Great American Racer harkens back to ’70s folk rock, Bruce Springsteen-esque heartland rock, and contemporary dream pop. The project’s self-titled début album is a concept album about the heroin and opioid epidemic that has been raging on in Rust Belt America since the mid-1970s, particularly in Dryzal’s hometown of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, which has been ravaged by three historic floods and severe economic decline. Lyrically, the record draws parallels between Johnstown’s diminishing industries and its population’s struggles with substance abuse. The album was recorded from 2019 to 2022, and was released on March 24, 2023 through Erie-based label Prodigious Productions.

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