Crystal Box has released his debut album, “Bad Art” and we can’t get enough of it. The album features a total of 9 new songs and it’s one of the best projects we’ve heard in months. This album is different and will leave you stuck on constant repeat for days to come.
Crystal Box is a talented artist and has an amazing passion for his music. He has a unique sound and it really stands out. You can’t get enough of it honestly. The atmosphere is unique and there is a great level of songwriting that shines through this album. The lyrics are beautifully written, memorable and mesh perfectly with the vocal melodies. Crystal Box has one of the catchiest and most charming voices you could ever hear and his performance is always captivating. He is professional and this project shows off all the melodic tones of his stunning voices and shows how talented he is when it comes to writing and making music. The instrumentals are distinctive, memorable, and really some good stuff to listen to all day long. The vocal production, the lyrics, and the unique vibe that Crystal Box brings to the table will elevate your spirit and leave you wanting more.
We recommend listening through the album from start to finish to get the perfect experience, but don’t worry, it’ll be the best 29 minutes you’ll ever spend. We’re happy for Crystal Box and we look forward to hearing more from him over the coming months. In the meantime, don’t forget to follow Crystal Box online for any upcoming releases!