Beautiful World is Collin Westerlund’s latest full-length album, and this Idaho artist is a real breath of fresh air in an industry that often tries to shape musicians into a very rigid mold. I certainly wasn’t expecting Westerlund’s sound to hark back to the era of ‘50s and ‘60s rock n’ roll, but that’s exactly what you get on this fantastic 12-track odyssey.
The aptly named “Do You Like Rock and Roll?” is a vibrant, upbeat opener, driven by twinkling piano chords, surf guitar and bubble-gum pop vocal harmonies. It also has an incredibly catchy melody, but the thing I find so refreshing is that Westerlund manages to capture the magical essence of a bygone musical era without sounding stale. And this vibrancy continues on “Do You Love Me Too?” It’s another super-catchy pop anthem with more spectacular guitar and piano work. There’s some fantastic percussion on this track, as well. There are so many layers to Westerlund’s musical talent, and it’s hard to focus on each and every one of them when each element is so captivating (in particular, the vocal harmonies, yet again).
The title track, “Beautiful World,” definitely has the best melody on the album, and the piano runs are sublime, as are the descending vocals. There’s something simultaneously dream-like and intimate about this song; it sounds both washed-out and present at the same time. It’s an intoxicating sonic aesthetic. Then, “Don’t Wait Too Long” treats the listener to the best vocal hook on the album. It’s a real ear-worm; I can’t get it out of my head. The melody on the bells is beautiful, as well.
“Early On” shifts the vibe of the album, opting for something that’s much more of a slow, melancholic ballad. It’s still stunning but in a heart-wrenching manner, rather than a heart-warming manner. The gently-strummed guitar chord progression and elongated vocal notes give the album a pleasant slice of variety. And the same can be said of “Groovin’.” Even though it’s certainly more upbeat than the previous track, the splashes of harmonica and the prominent bass guitar rhythm give the track a fresh sound. Westerlund continues to reinvent the album, whilst maintaining its core jovial feel.
“After All” is another lovely little ballad with splendid vocal harmonizing. It’s the lead guitar and bell arpeggios that really lodged themselves in my head, though. And “Love Song” delivers exactly what it promises on the tin. There are gorgeous guitar passages that are incredibly evocative. It’s instrumental, but it’s definitely a song for serenading a loved one. “Here Comes The Rain” is another head-bop-worthy pop banger with a punchy beat, and “It’s Happening Now” is a Beatle-esque hit driven by fantastic piano work and infectious singing from Westerlund.
Despite its title, “Too Late” has a cheery vibe, dominated by a catchy whistling hook and funky piano. Much like the previous track, there are some heavy Beatles vibes here, but Westerlund still adds his own unique spin to the song. His distinctive vocals and piano work make the album sound incredibly unique. But he has a lot of variety to offer in his sound, as he proves on the slow, sweet closing track, “I Wanna Know.” Stunning vocals, guitar strums and clicking create a very stripped-down, beautiful ending to a wonderful record that leaves me hungry for whatever Westerlund has to offer in the future.

Collin Westerlund was born June 11, 1996, in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up in a musical family. He started out playing guitar at the age of 13 and drums at the age of 15 as a result of his father providing the instruments. Playing with a variety of bands ranging from Punk to Indie to Metal in his early life, Collin later gravitated towards Rap and taught himself how to play piano and make beats. Getting introduced to Jazz and Old School Rock n Roll, Collin never looked back. “Sonically, everything sounded different. The music I knew before was irrelevant.” / Collin then dedicated all of his time to writing songs. “I bought the Burt Bacharach Reach Out record at a thrift store for three dollars, it changed me deeply. The oldies focused heavily on harmonies. When I roped a few friends to sing a chord with me, I don’t know where I went, it was better than anything I ever experienced before, it enhanced life as I knew it. Harmony and humor are very deep and spiritual to me.” / Experimenting with tape recording machines and different writing partners, Collin, after 6 years of getting nowhere, decided to record with what he had: his instruments, voice, laptop, and a 35 dollar microphone. He released his first single “Here Comes The Rain” in December of 2021 and completed his first album “Beautiful World,” released on February 22, 2022. “I really hope you like it. I made it for all of you… it’s my thank you letter to everyone I have ever met. It’s a beautiful world.”

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