London’s music scene has always been vibrant and diverse, producing countless talented artists who continue to push the boundaries of creativity. Among them is the visionary beatmaker CAKbeats, whose latest album “PILOT” takes listeners on an enchanting musical flight with his project, “PILOT.” With 13 tracks that blend soulful and jazzy sounds with hip-hop sensibilities, this album offers an otherworldly experience that allows listeners to float in the air, carried away on the wings of music.
“PILOT” stands out not only for its captivating sound but also for its innovative approach to storytelling through music. With each track, CAKbeats weaves a tapestry of emotions, transporting the listener to different sonic landscapes. From the soaring highs of tracks like “PILOT” and “Do Somethin” to the clever intros of “Turning Point” and “To Think,” the album is a testament to CAKbeats‘ ability to craft a seamless and diverse sonic journey.
CAKbeats revealed that he sees himself as the pilot of this musical journey. When listeners engage with “PILOT,” they embark on a flight guided by his musical expertise. The intention behind the project was to evoke the emotions and sensations one experiences while traveling on a plane – relaxation, euphoria, and the serene ambiance of the skies. The beats crafted by CAKbeats create an ethereal atmosphere that enables listeners to imagine scenes from a film, blurring the line between music and storytelling.
“PILOT” is not just an album to be listened to passively; it encourages exploration and active engagement. The varied beats and intricate layers invite listeners to delve into the music, discovering new nuances with each listen. Whether enjoyed with closed eyes and headphones or as a background to daily activities, the album reveals something new each time it takes flight. With this album, CAKbeats manages to encapsulate a moment in time, capturing the essence of the emotions and experiences that have shaped him as an artist. Each track feels like a snapshot of his creative journey, allowing listeners to connect with the emotions behind the music and perhaps find their own stories within the beats.
Growing up in east London, CAKbeats‘ passion for soul and jazz sounds is deeply ingrained in his artistic sensibilities. With “PILOT,” he embraces these roots while seamlessly infusing them with contemporary hip-hop elements. The result is a harmonious fusion that carries the listener through various moods and emotions. Each track is a new destination, with its own unique atmosphere, providing an immersive experience that keeps listeners hooked from start to finish.
CAKbeats “PILOT” as a soundtrack to a flight, meant to be played during various activities and listened to repeatedly. The brevity of the album, with its 13 concise tracks, allows the music to flow effortlessly like a fast-forwarded film, capturing only the most captivating moments. This aspect of the project is a testament to CAKbeats’ understanding of the audience’s needs, as he seeks to create an engaging and enjoyable experience that can accompany listeners in their daily lives.
While creating “PILOT,” CAKbeats encountered an interesting revelation. Initially, he expected to face challenges in the writing and recording process. Surprisingly, the opposite occurred. Some of the beats he used in the album were created two years before the project took flight, patiently waiting for the right moment to be shared with the world. Once he began working on the album in earnest, the process flowed seamlessly, allowing him to complete the EP sooner than expected. This experience became a valuable lesson for CAKbeats, reminding him of the importance of embracing creative momentum and not procrastinating on artistic endeavors.
CAKbeats’ “PILOT” is not just an album but an artistic endeavor that takes listeners on an extraordinary musical journey. Through the fusion of soul, jazz, and hip-hop, CAKbeats creates an atmospheric world where listeners can escape, relax, and indulge in the magic of his beats. As the pilot, CAKbeats steers the course, allowing passengers to float in the air, carried by the mesmerizing melodies and inventive soundscapes. “PILOT” is a testament to the power of music to transport us to places unknown, and it serves as a delightful reminder that creativity flows effortlessly when we seize the right moment. So, fasten your seatbelts and join CAKbeats on a musical adventure like no other. “PILOT” awaits you.