Ada Lea – damn

“it’s an album about magic, montreal, parties, friends, memories, phone calls, bedrooms, city-life, ferrante, the great mystery of memory and the passage of time; forgetting, and maybe stumbling into remembrance…” 

I enjoyed previous single Hurt, but Ada Lea’s Damn really stopped me in my tracks last week. (Seriously – damn.) The track is taken from Ada’s (AKA Montreal’s Alexandra Levy) sophomore album one hand on the steering wheel the other sewing a garden, due September 24th on Saddle Creek. Following the four seasons, the record opens a window on the city of Montreal, and the people and stories that exist within it – whether they be personal to Ada (“why would I try to write a story that’s not my own?”) or more universal. 

The record was written and demoed during an artist residency in Banff, Alberta, before joining producer and engineer Marshall Vore (Phoebe Bridgers) to record it in his studio in Los Angeles. “Marshall’s expertise and experience with drumming and songwriting was the perfect blend for what the songs needed. He was able to support me in a harmonic, lyrical, and rhythmic sense.” Also working on the record were drummer Tasy Hudson, guitarist Harrison Whitford and mixing engineer Burke Reid

Pre-order Ada’s new record one hand on the steering wheel the other sewing a garden here.

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