A Conversation With Crewsont

Q: Hey, can you tell us a bit about where you come from, and what made you want to start a career in music?

A: I originally come from Simi Valley in California, but I’ve lived most of my life in Seattle, Washington and Atlanta, Georgia. What initially got me started in music is I’ve always had a love for it. I was a DJ for a few years and eventually started producing dubstep before I got into scream rap and emo rap. It took me some time to transition, but once I did it was the best decision I have ever made. My face has always been pretty heavily tattooed so I didn’t have a lot of options to make money legally except for music.

Q: Did you have any formal training, or are you self-taught?

A: I am all completely self taught. The only training I get is from Youtube videos and help from my peers for any vocal techniques/advice. It just takes a lot of practice.

Q: Who were your first and strongest musical influences, and why the name ‘Crewsont’?

A: My strongest influences even though I hate to say it have to be 6ix9ine and Lil Toe starting out. I started with the scream rap and with my wild and loud appearance I knew the musical genre and fanbase would follow with my style since it all matched up and if you hear the music and see my face it really gets you wondering what is going on. I took that approach from 6ix9ine since that is initially what I took from him since that is how I discovered him and why I looked up all his music since he just had this entertaining video and wild appearance to match. And honestly the name came up from a friend. I always ate croissants and he said “if you keep eating those you’re going to turn into one.” and I told him “you can’t even spell croissant” and I told him I would change my name to easy way to spell it and somehow that just ended up sticking.

Q: You have just released your new single, “They Dead. Is there a story behind it?

A: One of my best friends had recently killed himself. Before he moved states he told me “What are you going to do if your music doesn’t blow up? Your whole face is tattooed.” and my response was “I guess I’ll just kill myself if it doesn’t work and try again”. He told me he would do the same and we made just a verbal pact that we would kill ourselves if life didn’t pan out. Well he ended up taking his own life while I was in the process of recording the song. That is where the intro and dedication in the music video came from in the music video.

Q: Can we expect a new EP or even an album from you in the near future?

A: Yes you can. I am currently in the process of working on and completing about 2 collab albums and 3 personal albums this year. They range in genre from scream rap, dark trap, all the way to emo rap.

Q: What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?

A: Honestly I have a sound for just about everyone and every mood. If you’re angry and want to fight or blow of steam I have my wide range of scream rap. If you’re sad, depressed, or going through some rough times you can listen to my emo rap and my lyrics and emotions with those are extremely deep and would resonate with anyone considering everything I have been through in my life.

Q: Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfillment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more?

A: I put my all into my music and it is giving back, but I will always push and strive to get more and more since I enjoy it so much.

Q: Could you describe your creative processes? How do usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song?

A: Honestly it’s random. I could force myself to write and I can come up with a decent and lyrically sound song, but it’s the feelings and emotions behind the beat. Depending on what I am going through and what beat I hear when I go through it I can come up with a lot songs with deep emotions behind them. That is typically why I don’t do features too often.

Q: What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?

A: I’ve watched a lot of my friends and myself included climb and then crash. It’s sad to see the people you support fall and I’ve seen a lot of them never get back up. It’s very demoralizing and takes a toll. In the past 2 years I’ve lost about 7 friends to death, murder, or suicide and that has been by far the hardest I’ve had to endure, but it’s what helps me create the music that you hear today.

Q: On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?

A: I mean so far looking at what I have accomplished in such a short period of time. Not even three years making music and I’ve already accrued millions of streams, awards, and a strong fan base. I receive almost 200k streams monthly and have a consistent fanbase of almost 50k unique individuals that back me and my music. I’ve made a lot of accomplishments in such a short period of time and I will show no signs of pumping the brakes.

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