sqEpsilon – “Recharger” and “Kicker”

Electronic music is a diverse and ever-evolving genre that constantly pushes the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Among the talented artists emerging in this dynamic landscape is sqEpsilon, a versatile and original electronic music artist who has recently burst onto the scene with two remarkable tracks: “Recharger” and “Kicker.” In this article, we delve into the unique sonic journey that sqEpsilon has embarked upon, exploring the distinct characteristics of each of these tracks.

“Recharger” serves as an impressive introduction to the world of sqEpsilon. This track, which showcases the artist’s exceptional versatility, is an upbeat composition with a delightful hint of quirkiness. As sqEpsilon himself describes it, categorizing this piece into a single electronic music subgenre is a challenging task. It defies convention and boldly explores a fusion of elements that is both refreshing and captivating.

Upon listening to “Recharger,” one is immediately greeted by a vibrant and infectious energy. The track seamlessly blends various electronic music influences, making it impossible to pin down to a single category. It’s as if sqEpsilon has masterfully woven together elements of house, techno, and even elements of funk and glitch into a tapestry of sound that is uniquely his own.

The quirkiness in “Recharger” is apparent in its offbeat rhythms and unexpected melodic twists. These elements keep the listener engaged and eager to discover what comes next. This track is a testament to sqEpsilon’s willingness to experiment and push the boundaries of electronic music. It is, without a doubt, a standout piece that leaves a lasting impression.

“Kicker” marks a thrilling departure from the quirkiness of “Recharger.” This latest single by sqEpsilon delves into the realm of Drum & Bass, showcasing the artist’s adaptability and willingness to explore diverse sonic territories.

From the very first beat, “Kicker” announces itself with authority. The track is an adrenaline-pumping journey through the pulsating rhythms and intricate percussion patterns that define the Drum & Bass genre. sqEpsilon’s mastery of sound design is on full display here, as he crafts a sonic landscape that is both relentless and captivating.

The basslines in “Kicker” are nothing short of thunderous, creating a powerful and immersive listening experience. The track’s energy is infectious, and it’s sure to ignite dance floors and speakers alike. While “Recharger” showcased the artist’s ability to play with quirkiness, “Kicker” demonstrates his skill in crafting intense and exhilarating electronic music.

sqEpsilon’s musical journey from “Recharger” to “Kicker” is a testament to the artist’s remarkable versatility and originality. With “Recharger,” he proved that he could seamlessly blend various electronic music elements into a single, enchanting composition. And with “Kicker,” he ventured into the realm of Drum & Bass, showcasing his ability to adapt and excel in different sonic landscapes. As an emerging electronic music artist, sqEpsilon is undoubtedly one to watch. His commitment to pushing the boundaries of electronic music and his fearless exploration of diverse genres make him a refreshing and exciting addition to the electronic music scene. With each new track, he continues to surprise and captivate listeners, leaving us eagerly anticipating what he will create next in his sonic journey.


Hi & Welcome! I am an electronic music artist, now sharing some of my tracks for the first time ever. I believe I am quite versatile and my music spans several electronic music subgenres. However, being fundamentally original it is not easy to fully categorize my work.

My goal is to produce work that artfully blends vocal samples, arpeggiators, piano/synthesizer, lush chords and emphatic beats to create an evocative/calming/euphoric ambience that keeps listeners engrossed and guessing as to what comes next. Whenever I sit down to write a track, I always go with the flow, wherever that takes me. I have no predefined plan – I just let my heart, mood and ears guide me.

My DAW is PreSonus Studio One Producer and my favourite plugins are Zero-G Ethera ( Clara Sorace ) and Realitone Realivox. My favourite and often-used preset is Alien Piano from the Dimension Pro plugin by Cakewalk. I plan to upload at least one original song every week, and I truly hope you find something you like.

Just in case you are wondering about the origins of the name sqEpsilon, it is a play on the Greek word, Skepsis – which means thought. Hence the picture of Rodin’s ‘The Thinker’ in my profile.

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