Dash Hammerstein – Silence, Memory

Creative and experienced artist Dash Hammerstein dropped his latest single, entitled “Silence, Memory“, on 11 February. With this song, Dash Hammerstein showcases some of his best work to date and we are super excited for you to hear it. The song is a great experience from start to finish and really deserves more attention.

In a world where artists sound too alike, Dash Hammerstein really stands out. He has one of the richest voices we’ve heard in months and his vocal performance on this record is professional and made us have to rewind the song over and over the first time we heard it. The lyrics are original, well-written, and mesh perfectly with the vocal melodies. The instrumental is beautiful and the production of this record is beautifully simple. Dash has an amazing passion for his music and has so much talent when it comes to writing songs. “Silence, Memory” is a great song that can be enjoyed from start to finish and features a timeless experience you’ll enjoy for years to come. Check it out and let us know what you think. Don’t forget to follow Dash Hammerstein online to stay up to date on future releases!

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