Conversation With Darcy Fox

Q: Hey, can you tell us a bit about where you come from, and what made you want to start a career in music?

A: Hello! I’m from a very small town in Victoria, Australia called Moe – but now I’m living in Melbourne. 

It sounds cliche, but I came from a very musical family, so I was always singing and putting on shows as a kid. Once I became a teenager, I realised that I might want to do music professionally, so I practised until I could book a gig, then took every gig I possibly could. 

Q: Did you have any formal training, or are you self-taught?

A: My mum is a fantastic musician and a singing teacher, so I had her support and advice while I was growing up. Once I figured out that I enjoyed singing, I taught myself to play guitar (fun fact: 7 Things by Miley Cyrus was the first song I ever played).

Q: Who were your first and strongest musical influences?

A: Taylor Swift was and is the blueprint for me. Her lyricism inspired me when I was 15 and continues to do so now, at 29. I also grew up with a lot of country music – Shania Twain and Miranda Lambert influenced a lot of my earlier music!

Q: You have just released your new single, ‘Ashamed’. Is there a story behind it?

A: There is! It’s about my first queer relationship, which was incredibly emotionally destructive. We were both in the closet, so I couldn’t talk to anyone about the way I was being treated. It’s a really raw, personal tune for me.

Q: Can we expect a new EP or even an album from you in the near future?

A: You sure can! ‘Ashamed’ is on my next album, which will come out next year. But there will be plenty of new music to come before that drops.

Q: What do you feel are the key elements in your music that should resonate with listeners, and how would you personally describe your sound?

A: For me, lyrics carry a song. I want people to feel seen, heard and understood – even though the stories are my own, I hope the messages are relatable. 

My sound is probably best described as indie folk-pop, with some rock influence.

Q: Do you feel that your music is giving you back just as much fulfilment as the amount of work you are putting into it, or are you expecting something more?

A: Absolutely! I am so grateful that playing and releasing music is my job. I think if you go into the music industry expecting more than that, it can be hard to find your fulfilment.

Q: Could you describe your creative processes? How do you usually start, and go about shaping ideas into a completed song?

A: It really differs every time! With my latest single, ‘Ashamed’, the hook came to me fully formed, and then I wrote the rest of the song in about half an hour. Sometimes I start that way, with lyrics – other times, I’ll get a melody in my head and can’t shake it until I find lyrics to fit.

Q: What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to endure in your life or music career so far?

A: The pandemic was probably the biggest and most unexpected difficulty I’ve faced in my career. I was in the studio recording my album, playing gigs every week – then nothing. The Australian music industry ground to a halt, with no reprieve in sight. It was very scary but I’m so grateful to be back doing what I love!

Q: On the contrary, what would you consider a successful, proud or significant point in your life or music career so far?

A: There’s so many moments I’m proud of, but I think releasing ‘Ashamed’ might be number one. This is my most authentic and honest work yet – it feels really good to share it with the world.


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