New Interview With Ava Della Pietra

Q: Welcome back, Ava Della Pietra! It’s fantastic to have you with us again. Since our last conversation, a lot has happened in your musical journey. To kick things off, could you share some highlights or pivotal moments that have shaped your artistic path since our last interview?

I’ve been quite busy! I’ve recorded some new songs in LA and shot music videos in New York. I also finished my first year at Harvard and Berklee College of Music in May. Just a few days ago, I returned from a recording session in LA, and now I’m thrilled for everyone to hear my latest song, “Rearview Mirror”!

Q: Can you describe the musical style of Ava Della Pietra in three words?

Honest, passionate, and some of my newer stuff is a bit edgy! 

Q: How do you stay connected with your fans, and what role do they play in shaping your musical journey?

I stay connected with my fans through social media, where I actively DM and respond to their comments. My fans play a crucial role in my musical journey by sharing what they relate to in my music, which helps me improve and evolve as an artist. Their encouragement and support mean the world to me, and I am incredibly grateful. 

Q: You have just released your new single, ‘Rearview Mirror’. Is there a story behind it?

Yes! ‘Rearview Mirror’ was inspired by a car ride where my guy friend, who was in the front seat with his girlfriend, couldn’t stop glancing back at me through his rearview mirror. It’s about those confusing moments where he’d deny any feelings for me, even though his romantic gestures said otherwise. He’d put me on a pedestal while unfairly putting her down. As the story unfolds in the song and the music video, I realize that I also have feelings for him, but end up siding with his girlfriend and leaving him behind. Ultimately, the song shifts to a deeper, metaphorical level, reflecting on why someone like that doesn’t deserve a spot in my life—why they need to be behind me, just like the view in a rearview mirror.

Q: What is your favorite verse from the song and why?

My favorite part of the song is definitely the bridge. In this section, I speak the lyrics “possibly maybe something more” in a kind of rap, hinting that there could be something more between the guy I’m singing about and me. It’s a pivotal moment where I introduce a twist in the storyline, revealing a mix of temptation and uncertainty. The bridge adds intensity with layered vocals, creating suspense and leaving listeners wondering about my next move. Recording this part was so much fun, and it allowed me to explore a different style and emotion within the song.

Q: Can you walk us through the creative process of producing the song, “Rearview Mirror”?

I wanted “Rearview Mirror” to have an edgy feel and give “bad girl” vibes. I kind of envisioned listeners blasting this song in their cars, so I wanted to add a lot of bass to make the car vibrate with the music. I recorded “gang vocals,” where I sing and shout over the lead vocal to create a big, powerful sound. The song was produced in LA by Jon Levine, and recording this track was especially fun due to its dramatic and rebellious energy.

Q: What has been the most memorable concert or performance for Ava Della Pietra so far?

My performance at Hotel Ziggy in LA was unforgettable and incredibly fun. People were dancing around, and I had the chance to talk with many audience members after the show. It reminded me that music is about connecting with people, and those connections make the experience so special. 

Q: Reflecting on your body of work, each song holding its unique significance, could you share a particular track that stands out to you personally? What makes that specific tune special, and why does it hold a place of pride in your musical journey?

“Rearview Mirror” is definitely one of my favorites because it represents a significant departure from my previous work. The inclusion of a rap section sets it apart, and my vocal approach in this song is quite different from my usual style. The production also focuses more on bass and drums, giving it a powerful energy compared to some of my other tracks that have more melodic instrumentals. Lyrically, “Rearview Mirror” is one of my most narrative-driven songs. It tells a complete story, with the second verse introducing a twist that the guy I’m singing about has a girlfriend. The bridge adds another layer of complexity, leaving the listener unsure of my stance. 

Q: Exploring the diverse creative processes within the music industry is always fascinating. Could you provide insight into Ava’s unique approach to crafting music? From the initial spark of an idea to the finished song, how do you navigate the creative journey and bring its musical concepts to life?

My creative process typically begins with a strong emotional experience that sparks an idea for a song. In those moments, I often come up with a few lines, sometimes the hook of the song or even a full verse and chorus, right off the bat. Once I have established the theme or concept, I sit down at the piano to explore chords that resonate with the emotions I want to convey. Then I improvise lyrically and melodically over these chords, allowing the song to organically take shape. As I refine the direction of the song, I take the time to develop the idea further, crafting the lyrics and honing the melody to capture the essence of the initial inspiration.

Q: As we wrap up our conversation, looking ahead, what aspirations or dreams do you have for Ava Della Pietra, and what message would you like to share with your fans as they continue to accompany you on this musical journey?

I truly love recording and releasing music, so my dream is to just keep writing and sharing songs that deeply resonate with me and my fans. I’m also so excited for my upcoming tour dates in Boston on July 30th, Philadelphia on August 1st, and Washington DC on August 2nd, where I hope to connect with all of you in person. 


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